Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 70690
- Which is more useful as an educational method, nursing ethics education with debates or traditional nursing ethics education - A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Nursing students
- Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
- 2023-01-05
- Which is effective and safe for persistent pulmonary hypertension after pulmonary endarterectomy, NO or Flolan?
- persistent pulmonary hypertension after pulmonary endarterectomy
- Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery, Chiba University Hospital
- 2013-01-01
- Which is better in opioid titration for cancer pain, oral or injection? A systematice review.
- cancer pain
- The university of Tokyo
- 2024-04-16
- Which determines isCGM sensor accuracy, patient or sensor itself?
- Type 2 diabetes
- Inuyama chuo general hospital
- 2021-07-17
- Whether the lactate transport carrier is a biomarker for type 2 diabetes?
- Type2 diabetes
- Hokkaido University Hospital, Department of Pharmacy
- 2019-02-18
- Whether listening to music containing the Solfeggio frequency (528Hz) during the execution of simple arithmetic tasks reduces psychological stress.
- Healthy
- Hyogo Medical University
- 2024-12-25
- Whether hybrid training during dialysis improve patient's physical function and inflammation and arteriosclerosis
- hemodyalysis people
- Division of Nephrology, Department on Medicine, Kurume University
- 2018-08-29
- Whether Gentle skin stimulation modulating Tinnitus Distress among Tinnitus Patients or not?
- tinnitus
- International University of Health and Welfare Hospital
- 2014-02-13
- Whether dose the AceScopeTM program revision facilitate tracheal intubation time or the success rate in novice physicians in manikin study?
- Difficult airway management simulator
- Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital
- 2024-11-01
- When the initial trainees were shown typical photos of the larynx with a vocal cord in the middle, they did not mistake the entrance to the esophagus and the larynx.
- none
- Nagano Red Cross Hospital Department of Anesthesiology
- 2019-11-29