Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 547
- Effect of Home Exercise of Quadriceps for Knee Osteoarthritis; A Randomized Con-trolled Trial comparing with Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs
- Knee Osteoarthritis
- The Japanese Orthopaedic Association
- 2005-10-27
- Effect of Home Exercise for chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- chronic low back pain
- The Japanese Orthopaedic Association
- 2005-10-28
- Candesartan Antihypertensive Survival Evaluation in Japan (CASE-J) Trial of Cardiovascular Events in High-Risk Hypertensive Patients
- Hypertension
- EBM Collaborating Research Center in Kyoto University
- 2005-10-30
- A Phase III Study of Docetaxel and S-1 versus S-1 in the Treatment of Advanced Gastric Cancer
- Gastric Cancer
- Japan Clinical Cancer Research Organization
- 2005-11-01
- Genome-wide case-control association study to identify susceptibility gene to diabetic nephropathy using single nucleotide polymorphisms.
- Diabetic nephropathy
- 2005-11-15
- Effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs external patch for Knee Osteoarthritis; An Open label Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Knee Osteoarthritis
- The Japanese Society for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
- 2005-11-15
- Study for the effectiveness of intensive therapy for diabetic nephropathy in unblinded, randomized intergroup comparison study.
- Diabetic Nephropathy
- Okayama University Hospital
- 2005-11-16
- Phase II study of imatinib mesylate for treatment of Philadelphia Chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ ALL) in children: A Japanese Cooperative Trial
- Philadelphia Chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group (JPLSG)
- 2005-12-01
- Phase II Clinical Trial to test efficacy and safety of relapsed APL (JALSG APL205R study)
- relapsed acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)
- Japan adult leukemia study group ( JALSG)
- 2005-12-30
- Japanese Diastolic Heart Failure Study
- Diastolic heart failure
- J-DHF Study group
- 2006-02-01