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試験ID jRCT2031210453




研究名称 / Scientific Title(Acronym) 活動性甲状腺眼症の日本人患者を対象にHZN-001(テプロツムマブ)を評価する第III相無作為化二重遮蔽プラセボ対照並行群間比較多施設共同試験 A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Multicenter Trial Evaluating HZN-001 (teprotumumab) Treatment in Japanese Patients with Active Thyroid Eye Disease
平易な研究名称 / Public Title(Acronym) A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, Multicenter Trial Evaluating HZN-001 (teprotumumab) Treatment in Japanese Patients with Active Thyroid Eye Disease
試験進捗状況/Recruitment status参加者募集中断 Complete
組入れ開始日 / Date of first enrollment


試験実施地域 / Region 日本
実施都道府県 茨城県
目標症例数/Target sample size 50
対象疾患 / Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studied 活動性の甲状腺眼症(TED) Active thyroid eye disease (TED)
試験のタイプ / Study type 介入 Interventional
試験デザイン / Study design
ランダム化 / Randomization
介入1 二重遮蔽化投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg)2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与)初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
介入2 二重遮蔽化投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg)2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与)初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
介入3 二重遮蔽化投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg)2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与)初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
介入4 二重遮蔽化投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg)2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与)初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
介入5 二重遮蔽化投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg)2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与)初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
介入6 二重遮蔽化投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg)2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与)初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
介入7 二重遮蔽化投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg)2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与)初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
介入8 二重遮蔽投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。 1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg) 2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与) 初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
介入9 二重遮蔽投与期間の1日目に、患者を1:1の比率(喫煙状況で層別した上)で以下のいずれかの投与に無作為に割り付ける。 1. HZN-001 (1日目に10 mg/kg、その後残り7回は3週ごと1回に20mg/kg) 2. プラセボ(3週ごと1回で全8回投与) 初回及び2回目は約90分(ただし少なくとも80分)かけて注入する。その後はすべて約60分(ただし少なくとも50分)かけて注入する。
主要評価項目 / Primary outcomes 有効性の主要評価項目は、24週目の眼球突出改善率[試験眼の眼球突出がベースラインから2 mm以上減少し、僚眼の眼球突出に悪化(2 mm以上の増加)が認められない患者の割合(%)と定義]とする。 The primary efficacy endpoint is the proptosis responder rate (defined as the percentage of patients with a >= 2 mm reduction from Baseline in proptosis in the study eye, without deterioration [>= 2 mm increase] of proptosis in the fellow eye) at Week 24.
副次評価項目 / Secondary outcomes


年齢(下限)/ Age minimum 20歳以上 >= 20age old
年齢(上限)/ Age maximum 80歳未満 <= 80age old
性別 / Gender 男女両方 Both
選択基準 / Include criteria Eligible patients must meet/provide all of the following criteria: 1. Written informed consent. 2. Male or female Japanese patients between the ages of 20 and 80 years, inclusive, at Screening. 3. Clinical diagnosis of Graves' disease associated with active TED with a CAS >= 3 (on the 7-item scale) for the most severely affected eye at Screening and Baseline. 4. Moderate-to-severe active TED (not sight-threatening but has an appreciable impact on daily life), usually associated with one or more of the following: lid retraction >=2 mm, moderate or severe soft tissue involvement and/or inconstant or constant diplopia. 5. Proptosis >= 3-mm increase from the patient's baseline (prior to diagnosis of TED), as estimated by treating physician. and/or proptosis >= 18mm. 6. Onset of active TED symptoms (as determined by patient records) within 9 months prior to Baseline. 7. Patients must be euthyroid with the baseline disease under control or have mild hypo- or hyperthyroidism (defined as free thyroxine [FT4] and free triiodothyronine [FT3] levels < 50% above or below the normal limits) at Screening. Every effort should be made to correct the mild hypo- or hyperthyroidism promptly and to maintain the euthyroid state for the full duration of the clinical trial. 8. Does not require immediate surgical ophthalmological intervention. 9. Diabetic patients must have HbA1C < 8.0% at Screening. 10. Patients with a history of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease) must be in clinical remission for at least 3 months, with no history of bowel surgery within 6 months prior to screening and no planned surgery during the trial. Concomitant stable therapies for inflammatory bowel disease without modifications in the 3 months prior to Screening are allowed. 11. Women of childbearing potential (including those with an onset of menopause <2 years prior to Screening, non-therapy-induced amenorrhea for <12 months prior to Screening, or not surgically sterile [absence of ovaries and/or uterus]) must have a negative serum pregnancy test at Screening and negative urine pregnancy tests at all protocol-specified timepoints); patients who are sexually active with a non-vasectomized male partner must agree to use 2 reliable forms of contraception during the trial, one of which is recommended to be hormonal, such as an oral contraceptive. Hormonal contraception must be started at least one full cycle prior to Baseline and continue for 180 days after the last dose of study drug. Highly effective contraceptive methods (failure rate less than 1% per year), when used consistently and correctly, include implants, injectables, combination oral contraceptives, some intrauterine devices, tubal ligation, sexual abstinence and vasectomized partner. 12. Patient is willing and able to comply with the prescribed treatment protocol and evaluations for the duration of the study.
除外基準 / Exclude criteria Patients will be ineligible for trial participation if they meet any of the following criteria: 1. Decreased best corrected visual acuity due to optic neuropathy as defined by a decrease in vision of 2 lines on the Snellen chart (or equivalent), new visual field defect, or color defect secondary to optic nerve involvement within the last 6 months. 2. Corneal decompensation unresponsive to medical management. 3. Decrease in CAS of >= 2 points in the study eye between Screening and Baseline. 4. Decrease in proptosis of >= 2 mm in the study eye between Screening and Baseline. 5. Previous orbital irradiation or surgery for TED. 6. Any steroid use (intravenous [IV], injection, or oral) with a cumulative dose equivalent to >= 1 g of methylprednisolone for the treatment of TED. Previous steroid use (IV injection or oral) with a cumulative dose of <1 g methylprednisolone or equivalent for the treatment of TED and previous use of steroid eye drops is allowed if discontinued at least 4 weeks prior to Screening. 7. Corticosteroid use for conditions other than TED within 4 weeks prior to Screening (topical steroids for dermatological conditions and inhaled steroids are allowed). 8. Selenium must be discontinued 3 weeks prior to Screening and must not be restarted during the trial; however, taking a multivitamin that includes selenium (less than 100 mcg daily) is allowed. 9. Any previous treatment with rituximab (Rituxan) within the last 12 months or tocilizumab (Actemra) within the last 6 months prior to Screening. Use of any other non-steroid immunosuppressive agent within 3 months prior to Screening. 10. Use of an investigational agent for any condition within 60 days prior to Screening or anticipated use during the course of the trial. 11. Identified pre-existing ophthalmic disease that, in the judgment of the Investigator, would preclude study participation or complicate interpretation of study results. 12. Malignant condition in the past 12 months (except successfully treated basal/squamous cell carcinoma of the skin). 13. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) >= 3 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) or estimated glomerular filtration rate<= 30 ml/min/1.73 m2 at Screening. 14. Pregnant or lactating women. 15. Current drug or alcohol abuse, or history of either within the previous 2 years, in the opinion of the Investigator or as reported by the patient. 16. Known hypersensitivity to any of the components of HZN-001 or prior hypersensitivity reactions to mAbs. 17. Any other condition that, in the opinion of the Investigator, would preclude inclusion in the study. 18. Previous enrollment in this study or participation. 19. HIV, hepatitis C or hepatitis B infections.


責任研究者 / Name of lead principal investigator Hiroki Matsumoto
組織名 / Organization
部署名 / Division Amgen K.K.
住所 / Address Midtown Tower 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Japan 107-6239
電話 / Telephone +81-80-7217-8592
実施責任組織 / Affiliation 松本 裕樹 Amgen K.K.
研究費提供組織 / Funding Source
共同実施組織 / Funding Source


住所 / Address Midtown Tower 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Japan 107-6239
電話 / Telephone +81-80-7217-8592
E-mail clinicaltrials_japan@amgen.com
担当者 / Name of contact person Contact Local


住所 / Address




参加者の流れ(Participant flow)

IPD data sharing
