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試験ID UMIN000028827




研究名称 / Scientific Title(Acronym) 本邦における急性Ⅰ型呼吸不全に対する非侵襲的人工呼吸器(NPPV)と高流量鼻カニュラ酸素療法(HFNC)の多施設ランダム化比較試験 Japanese, multicenter, randomized controlled trial of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) versus high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy (HFNC) for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
平易な研究名称 / Public Title(Acronym) Japanese, multicenter, randomized controlled trial of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) versus high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy (HFNC) for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
試験進捗状況/Recruitment status試験終了 Complete: follow-up complete
組入れ開始日 / Date of first enrollment


試験実施地域 / Region 日本 Japan
目標症例数/Target sample size 104
対象疾患 / Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studied 急性Ⅰ型呼吸不全 acute hypoxemic respiratory failure
試験のタイプ / Study type 介入 Interventional
試験デザイン / Study design
ランダム化 / Randomization
介入1 A群(NPPV):プロトコル治療としてNPPVを用いる。
介入2 B群(HFNC):プロトコル治療としてHFNCを用いる。
主要評価項目 / Primary outcomes 治療開始28日間での挿管基準を満たすまでの期間 Term from randomization to meeting criteria for endotracheal intubation censored at 28 days.
副次評価項目 / Secondary outcomes 1. Proportion of patients who required endotracheal intubation within 28 days after randomization. 2. Mortality at 28 days 3. In-hospital mortality 4. Ventilator-free days 5. Change of oxygenation (PaO2/FIO2) 6. Arterial blood gas analysis 7. Duration of need for any respiratory support 8. Duration of hospital stay for respiratory illness 9. Adverse events 10. Need for Continuous sedation (Drug, dose, duration)


年齢(下限)/ Age minimum 20歳以上 20years-old
年齢(上限)/ Age maximum Not applicable
性別 / Gender 男女両方 Male and Female
選択基準 / Include criteria
除外基準 / Exclude criteria 1. Patients with urgent need for endotracheal intubation. 2. Patients with respiratory failure fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload. 3. Patients with COVID-19. 4. Patients with exacerbation of asthma. 5. Patients with pulmonary embolism. 6. Patients who have received NPPV or HFNC for more than 24 hours at the time of the informed consent. 7. Patients who have the following chronic pulmonary disease. a. Chronic interstitial pneumonia apparent on chest radiography. b. Chronic pulmonary disease affecting the efficacy endpoints (for example; COPD, tuberculosis sequelae, bronchiectasis, pneumoconiosis etc.). c. Chronic respiratory failure with need for home oxygen therapy (more than 12 hours/day). d. Chronic pulmonary disease that are regarded as inadequate for the study by the investigators. 8. Patients with active malignant tumor affecting the efficacy endpoints. 9. Patients with contraindications either to NPPV or HFNC, such as undrained pneumothorax, upper airway obstruction, facial trauma, injury and deformity etc. 10. Patients with major surgery within 4 weeks prior to the time of the informed consent. 11. Patients with severe leukopenia (WBC < 1000 per microliter of blood). 12. Patients with hemodynamic instability (systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg after fluid administration). 13. Patients with need for vasopressors. 14. Patients with altered consciousness (Glasgow Coma Scale <= 12 points. 15. Patients who have received NPPV or HFNC within the past 4 weeks prior to the informed consent, or are using NPPV or HFNC at home (more than 6 hours/day). 16. Patients with tracheostomy. 17. Patients who are pregnant. 18. Patients with cognitive impairment or mental disorder who are regarded as inadequate to evaluate for the study by the investigators. 19. Patients who have participated in the other study at the time of the informed consent, or will participate in the other study. 20. Any other cases who are regarded as inadequate for the study enrollment.


責任研究者 / Name of lead principal investigator Keisuke Tomii
組織名 / Organization
部署名 / Division Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital Department of Respiratory Medicine
住所 / Address 2-1-1 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe Japan
電話 / Telephone 078-302-4321
実施責任組織 / Affiliation 神戸市立医療センター中央市民病院呼吸器内科 Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital Department of Respiratory Medicine
研究費提供組織 / Funding Source Philips Respironics
共同実施組織 / Funding Source


住所 / Address 2-1-1 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe Japan
電話 / Telephone 078-302-4321
E-mail kazuma_n1101@yahoo.co.jp
担当者 / Name of contact person Kazuma Nagata