NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs072240099

Registered date:21/01/2025

Efficacy and Safety of HFNC for Stress Reduction during Dental Treatment

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedCaries
Date of first enrollment21/01/2025
Target sample size30
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)After obtaining consent, on the first treatment day, dental treatment (mechanical tartar removal) is performed under conventional methods without nasal cannula, etc., and the patient is asked to fill out the questionnaire afterwards. A second treatment is planned at least one week after the first measurement.


Primary Outcome1) Pulse and respiratory rate during treatment (continuous measurement by AIRVO3) 2) Evaluation of parasympathetic activation (rate of change of LH/HF) from RR interval analysis of ECG 3) Evaluation of stress from the rate of appearance of alpha waves in the EEG will also be performed.
Secondary OutcomeSecondary endpoints include the comfort of dental treatment (evaluation of 9 questions) to compare the first and second Comparison of the first and second sessions Please rate the following questions on a 5-point scale. 1: Not at all, 2: A little, 3: Somewhat, 4: Quite a bit, 5: Very much Q1: During the treatment, did you feel stiff? Q2: Did you breathe faster during the treatment? Q3: Did you sweat during the treatment? Q4: Did you feel sick or nauseous during treatment? Q5: Did your heart beat faster during treatment? Q6: Did you find it easy to breathe through your nose during treatment? Q7: During treatment, were you able to swallow the rest of your saliva or water? Q8: Did you feel anxious during treatment? Q9: If you had to use the treatment again, which method would you prefer to use, the first or the second? (Only administered at the end of the second session)

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1)Patients who visit the Nagasaki University Hospital Dental Division for mechanical tartar removal on the left and right sides (upper and lower jaws) on two or more separate occasions. 2)Age: Adult patients who are at least 18 years old at the time of consent. 3)Gender: Any gender 4)Patients who have been fully informed about their participation in this study, and who have given written consent of their own free will based on sufficient understanding.
Exclude criteria1)Patients with cognitive impairment who are unable to respond to the questionnaire survey on their own 2) Patients who cannot breathe through the nose 3)Pregnant patients 4)Other patients deemed inappropriate as research subjects by the principal investigator.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Terumi Ayuse
Address 1-7-1Sakamoto Nagasaki-City Nagasaki Nagasaki Japan 8528501
Telephone +81-958197714
Affiliation Nagasaki University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Terumi Ayuse
Address 1-7-1Sakamoto Nagasaki-City Nagasaki Nagasaki Japan 8528501
Telephone +81-958197714
Affiliation Nagasaki University Hospital