NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs062210006

Registered date:26/05/2021

Multicenter RCT Pilot Study of Amy-PCA

Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedLung cancer, metastatic lung cancer
Date of first enrollment11/01/2022
Target sample size100
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)1) Allocated PCA machine(conventional or COOPDECH Amy)will be started at surgery irrespective of injection type (venous or epidural) 2) Setting and medicine for PCA will be organized based on individual institution 3) Survey regarding satisfaction will be conducted to participants the day before withdrawal of PCA machine 4) PCA will be withdrawal according to postoperative course Criteria of PCA withdrawal 1 Good controlled pain (unnecessary for PCA bolus) 2 Possible of drinking and meal and unnecessary for injection 3 Strong side effect for PCA (Yes/No regarding nausea, vomiting, dizziness and drowsiness), (decreased respiratory rate below 8 times/minute) 5) Exchange for PCA pump if possible (COOPDECH; Conventional or Conventional; COOPDECH) the day before PCA withdrawal under individual patient's approval.(from COOPDECH Amy-PCA to conventional machine or from conventional machine to COOPDECH Amy-PCA) 6) Assessment (Survey) for PCA machine will be conducted to participants who exchanged PCA machine at the timing of withdrawal of PCA machine


Primary OutcomeNRS at rest POD1
Secondary Outcome1.Satisfaction assessment: satisfaction for pain management 2.Comparison for PCA machine (easy to use) 3.NRS at movement 4.Usage of other analgesics 5.Frequency of disease or machine's trouble 6.Recovery information (walk, drink, eat, unnecessity for PCA(applied to the order of PCA withdrwal) 7.Hospital stay

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteriaPatients who meet all of the following; 1.Patients with lung cancer and metastatic cancer including open thoracotomy, laparoscopic surgery, robot-assisted surgery) 2.Patients with moderate pain (NRS3>=10) at surgical site preoperatively 3.Patients who are eligible for PCA using this device intravenously or epidurally after operations under general anesthesia. 4.Patients who will stay at hospital for at least three days 5.Age >= 20 6.Patients who live by themselves freely without any problems 7.Patients who can understand and accept this study by themselves fully after receiving enough explanation
Exclude criteria1) Pregnant and lactating women 2) Past allergic history of local anesthetics and narcotics 3) Severe heart failure(NYHA class>=3) 4) Severe respiratory failure(Hugh Jones class>=3) 5) Past history of hemodialysis 6) Past history of liver cirrhosis(Child-Pugh C) 7) Past history of delirium 8) American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status(ASA)>=4 9) Investigator(responsible person or contributory person) thought that their participation didn't cause most beneficical effect such as losing welfare, preventing or limiting or confusing reasonable assessment. [Investigator judged to be inappropriate for this research in case of epidural PCA] 10) Severe infection on the insertion site 11) PT-INR>2.0 or Platelet<70000/ul

Related Information


Public contact
Name Shunsuke Tachibana
Address 16-chome, Minami 1 Jonishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido Hokkaido Japan 060-8543
Telephone +81-11-688-9663
Affiliation Sapporo Medical University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Michiaki Yamakage
Address 16-chome, Minami 1 Jonishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido Hokkaido Japan 060-8543
Telephone +81-11-688-9662
Affiliation Sapporo Medical University Hospital