NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs061240046

Registered date:14/08/2024

Treatment of olfactory dysfunction by Topical Application of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedolfactory disorder
Date of first enrollment14/08/2024
Target sample size20
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Local administration of bFGF-impregnated gelatin hydrogel to the olfactory cleft on the first day of treatment


Primary OutcomeImprovements in average cognitive thresholds three months after treatment
Secondary OutcomeMean cognitive threshold and change in standard olfaction test after 1 month of treatment Percentage of "cured" and "mildly cured" after 3 months of treatment Mean cognitive threshold and amount of change after 3 months of treatment by severity Amount of change in open essences 1 month and 3 months after onset Daily Smell Questionnaire and Olfactory Disorder VAS scores at 1 month and 3 months after onset

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum< 65age old
Include criteriaPatients with olfactory disorder treatment started between 4 weeks and 1 year after onset of olfactory disorder can be evaluated three months after treatment Patients with olfactory impairment with an average cognitive threshold of 2.6 or higher on the T&T olfactometer age of at least 20 to under 65 years old Written informed consent
Exclude criteriaWhen the patient cannot come to the hospital Cases with confirmed central olfactory disorders or other nasal sinus diseases (such as olfactory neuroblastoma) Cases judged inappropriate by the attending physician Patients with a history of allergy to gelatin or trafermin Patients who cannot take Tokisyakuyakusan

Related Information


Public contact
Name Kunihide Aoishi
Address Shitsukawa454, Toon, Ehime, Japan Ehime Japan 791-0295
Telephone +81-89-960-5366
Affiliation Ehime University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Naohito Hato
Address Shitsukawa454, Toon, Ehime, Japan Ehime Japan 791-0295
Telephone +81-89-960-5366
Affiliation Ehime University Hospital