NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs061180091

Registered date:22/03/2019

Effect of 0.01% atropine eye drops in children with moderate to high grade myopia

Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedMyopia
Date of first enrollment24/03/2018
Target sample size50
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)An atropine eye drop/ day is applied on both eyes at night


Primary Outcome1. Change in refractive error between baseline and final visits 2. Change in axial length of the eye between baseline and final visits
Secondary Outcomeoccurrence of side effects

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 6age old
Age maximum<= 12age old
Include criteria1.Age at base line: 5-12 years 2.Spherical equivalent under cycloplegia: both eyes from -4.50 to -9.00D 3.Aniseiconia =<1.50 D 4.Astigmatism =<1.50 D 5.Best corrected visual acuity = or >1.0 6.Inter ocular pressure = or <21mmHg 7.Willing to undergo cycloplegia 8.Written informed consent by the child and parent
Exclude criteria1.Abnormal binocular function 2.Amblyopia or manifest strabismus 3.Anisometropia >1.00D 4.Eye diseases besides myopia 5.ophthalmic and/or systematic diseases that may influence on visual acuity or refractive error 6.Previous history of using atropine, contact lenses, bifocal or progressive addition lenses, or ortho-K 7.Eye or general diseases that may affect myopia progression 8.History of asthma treatment within 1 year. 9.Allergic history to atropine, cyclopentolate, or benzalkonium 10.Difficult to use eye drops 11.A plan to use contact lenses

Related Information


Public contact
Name Satoshi Hasebe
Address 2-6-1 Nakasange, Kita-ku, Okayama Okayama Japan 700-8505
Telephone +81-86-225-2111
Affiliation Kawasaki Medical School
Scientific contact
Name Satoshi Hasebe
Address 2-6-1 Nakasange, Kita-ku, Okayama Okayama Japan 700-8505
Telephone +81-86-225-2111
Affiliation Kawasaki Medical School