NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs052240215

Registered date:13/12/2024

Hybrid RAS study

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedcolon cancer
Date of first enrollment13/12/2024
Target sample size120
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Hybrid robotic surgery


Primary OutcomeOperating time
Secondary OutcomeAnastomosis time (min) loss of blood volume(mL) Complications during surgery The date of postoperative first flatus, postoperative first bowel movement, and postoperative diet resumption White blood cell count, CRP (3 days after surgery) Number of dissected lymph nodes Proximal margin(PM) and distal margin(DM) Assessment of surgeon stress(SURG TLX score) Assessment of surgeon satisfaction(VAS score) Rehospitalization, Reoperation Postoperative complications Disease-free interval/rate(Year 3, Year 5), overall survival period/rate(Year 3, Year 5) Cost of surgery

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1. Patients whose age at registration is 18 years or older. 2. Patients who are histologically proven to be colon cancer. 3. Preoperative diagnosis of curative primary resection. 4. Main tumor site is cecum (C), ascending colon (A) , sigmoid colon (S) or rectosigmoid colon (RS) and robotic-surgery with D2 or higher lymph node dissection is pre-planned. 5. Clinical stage I to IIIC (T1-4b, N0-2b, M0: TNM Classification) has been diagnosed. 6. Patients with General State Performance Status(ECOG) 0 to 1. 7. Patients whose functions of the main organs are adequately maintained and judged to be safe for surgery by the doctor in charge of examination with in 28 days prior to the registration. 8. Patients who have the judgment to fully understand the research content. 9. Patients with written informed consent to participate in this study.
Exclude criteria1. Patients planning combined resection of other organs due to infiltration of other organs 2. Patients with chemotherapy (systemic anti-cancer drug treatment) and a history of radiation therapy, including treatment for other cancer species. 3. Patients who have a history of open surgery. 4. Patients who have a history of laparoscopic stomach resection or colectomy. 5. Patients planning simultaneous resection of other organs due to double cancer. 6. Patients scheduled to anastomosis at more than two sites due to multiple colon cancer. 7. Patients with intraperitoneal infection. 8. Patients with serious complications. 9. Other patients judged inappropriate by the examining physician.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Yusuke Suwa
Address Urafunecho 4-57, Minami-ku, Yokohama ,Kanagawa Kanagawa Japan 232-0024
Telephone +81-45-261-5656
Affiliation Yokohama City University Medical Center
Scientific contact
Name Jun Watanabe
Address Shinmachi 2-5-1, Hirakata ,Osaka Osaka Japan 573-1010
Telephone +81-72-804-0101
Affiliation Kansai Medical University Hospital