NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs052240160

Registered date:15/10/2024

Toro88 Aspiration Study for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedAcute ischemic stroke
Date of first enrollment15/10/2024
Target sample size15
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)endovascular treatment


Primary OutcomeEfficacy; Successful recanalization (eTICI 2b50 or better, upto 3 passes) Safety; Device related or relation suspected adverse event within 7 (-2/+3) days after procedure, espcially distal embolization, symptomatic dissection, vasospasm, and perforation, hemorrgaic stroke
Secondary Outcome1. technical sucess 2. first pass effect (eTICI 2c or better) 3. successful recanalization (eTICI 2b50 or better) 4. successful recanalization (eTICI 2n67 ore better) 5. symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage within 24 hours (NIHSS 4 or more worsened) 6. Device related adverse event within 7 (-2/+3) days after procedure, espcially distal embolization, symptomatic dissection, vasospasm, and perforation, hemorrgaic stroke 7. any adverse event within 7days 8. mRS at 7days after procedure 9. any secere adverse event within 90days 10. mortality within 90days 11. mRS at 90days after procedure

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximum<= 90age old
Include criteria1 acute icshemic stroke 2 ICA/M1/VA/BA occlusion (eTICI 0 or 1) 3 used study device for ist pass 4 age 18 to 90 5 obtain donumented consent and agreement
Exclude criteria1 arterial dissection, arterites or atherosclerotic disease 2 50% or more stenosis at proximal 3 target artery diameter is 2mm or smaller 4 associate intracranial hemorrhage, known hemorrhagic disease, known coaglation disorder, PT-INR 3.0 or more, APTT 2 times or more with mormal range 5 sBP 180mmHg or more, dBP 110mmHg or more, uncontrolable 6 BS 50mg/dL or less 7 severe allegy for contrast 8 2 or more majoe territory occlusion, R-ICA, L-ICA and VABA 9 90 days follow up is impossible 10 candidate for other clinical trial 11 inapropriate candidate decide by investigator

Related Information


Public contact
Name Yuriko Watabe
Address 11-2 Yamada Nakayoshimicho, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8237 Japan Kyoto Japan 615-8237
Telephone +81-75-381-5161
Affiliation Institute of Kyoto Medical Research
Scientific contact
Name Nobuyuki Sakai
Address 11-2 Yamada Nakayoshimicho, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8237 Japan Kyoto Japan 615-8237
Telephone +81-75-381-5161
Affiliation Seijinkai Shimizu Hospital