NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs051240076

Registered date:27/06/2024

NINJA-COP study.

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedchronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Date of first enrollment27/06/2024
Target sample size50
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)The active drug group will take 7.5 g of Ninjin'yoeito, and the placebo group will take 7.5 g of the placebo drug (containing 4.5% Ninjin'yoeito) twice a day in divided doses before or between meals for 24 weeks.


Primary OutcomePercent change in body weight from start of study to 24 weeks
Secondary Outcome>Changes in nutritional status indicators BMI Appetite (SNAQ) mini nutritional assessment-short form (MNA-SF) Blood biochemical tests: albumin, pre-albumin, total protein, Hb, Fe, ferritin Body composition (bioelectrical impedance (BIA) method): LBM, FM >Changes in evaluation indices of overall COPD pathology COPD exacerbation frequency COPD Assessment Test (CAT) modified British Medical Research Council (mMRC) hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) Respiratory function tests: FEV1, %FEV1, VC, FVC, %FVC >Changes in ADL indicators Fatigue (VAS) Grip strength Life space assessment (LSA) >Changes in systemic inflammatory indices in COPD Blood biochemical tests: CRP, IL-6, TNF-alpha

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 40age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1) COPD patients visiting the study facility who received standard therapy for at least 1 month by the time consent is obtained 2) Patients with %IBW under 90% or BMI under 20 kg/m2 or Alb under 3.5 g/dL (institutional criteria) 3) Patients with anorexia and SNAQ score of 14 or less 4) Patients over 40 years old 5) Patients who provided written consent for their participation in the study
Exclude criteria1) Patients who cannot properly perform respiratory function tests 2) Patients with chronic respiratory tract infections such as nontuberculous mycobacteriosis 3) Patients with active malignant tumor 4) Patients diagnosed with depression, schizophrenia, etc, and receiving medication 5) Patients who have been taking Kampo medicines or Enteral nutrient formulations within 1 month from the time of obtaining consent 6) Patients who are participating in another clinical trial or have participated in other clinical trials within 1 month from the time of obtaining consent 7) Patients with a history of pseudoaldosteronism, myopathy, liver dysfunction, or jaundice caused by Kampo medicines 8) Patients with pacemakers 9) Patients who was judged to be inadequate according to the judgment of the examination medical attendant

Related Information


Public contact
Name Yoshifumi Yamamoto
Address 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara City, Nara Nara Japan 634-8522
Telephone +81-744-22-3051
Affiliation Nara Medical University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Yoshifumi Yamamoto
Address 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara City, Nara Nara Japan 634-8522
Telephone +81-744-22-3051
Affiliation Nara Medical University Hospital