NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs051200035

Registered date:20/07/2020

A study of the effectiveness of maintenance treatment with adapalene 0.1%-benzoyl peroxide 2.5% gel and benzoyl peroxide 2.5% gel in acne vulgaris patients

Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedAcne vulgaris
Date of first enrollment31/08/2020
Target sample size120
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)The following 3 groups are assigned on 1:1:1 by the random assignment. The allocation method is dynamic allocation (minimization method). -Adapalene-benzoyl peroxide group -Benzoyl peroxide group -Control group The medicines on acute inflammation period are used as the allocation regulator.


Primary OutcomeTreatment success rate (Percentage of patients 10 or fewer inflammatory lesions on full face throughout observation period)
Secondary Outcome1) Periods of used externally or oral antibiotics 2) Change in the number of the acne scars 3) Changes in the severity of the acne scars (Global Severity of Atrophic Acne Scar GSAAS) 4) Changes in the Antera 3D parameters (Affected area (mm2) ,Volume (mm3) ,Max depth (mm)) 5) Change in the number of skin rashes (Number of inflammatory lesions, Number of non-inflammatory lesions, Number of total lesions)

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1) Patients diagnosed with acne vulgaris 2) Patients with 10 or fewer inflammatory lesions on full face due to acute inflammatory treatment within 3 months (12 weeks, allowance; + 1 week) prior to written informed consent 3) Patients with 10 or more and less than 100 atrophic scars (diameter 0.5 mm or more) at informed consent obtained. 4) Patients are 20 years old or more at the time of written consent 5) Patients are written informed consent with participation in this study * Inclusion criteria is regardless of the severity at the first visit and the drug used in the acute inflammation phase.
Exclude criteria1) Patients who are taking Tranilast by oral within 3 months prior to written informed consent 2) Patients with any history of hypersensitivity to adapalene-benzoyl peroxide or benzoyl peroxide components 3) Pregnant or possibly pregnant women, lactating women 4) Women who wanted to become pregnant during the study period 5) Patients judged as ineligible for participation in this study by the investigator 6) Patients participated in another clinical study of other medicine(s) for acne vulgaris within 6 months before written informed consent

Related Information


Public contact
Name Hideaki Tanizaki
Address 2-3-1 Shinmachi, Hirakata, Osaka, Japan Osaka Japan 573-1191
Telephone +81-72-804-0101
Affiliation Kansai Medical University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Hideaki Tanizaki
Address 2-3-1 Shinmachi, Hirakata, Osaka, Japan Osaka Japan 573-1191
Telephone +81-72-804-0101
Affiliation Kansai Medical University Hospital