JRCT ID: jRCTs051180044
Registered date:31/01/2019
Near-infrared imaging using intravenous indocyanine green to locate pulmonary metastases
Basic Information
Recruitment status | Complete |
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studied | pulmonary metastasis |
Date of first enrollment | 08/01/2019 |
Target sample size | 30 |
Countries of recruitment | |
Study type | Interventional |
Intervention(s) | Twelve to 24 hours prior to the operations, patients will receive intravenous indocyanine green of 2 mg / kg through peripheral veins in the patients' room. In the operating rooms, patients will undergo procedures for pulmonary metastasecomies either by thoracoscopy or by thoracotomy. Intraoperatively, surgeons will use near-infrared fluorescence imaging thoracoscope. |
Primary Outcome | Any complication from intravenous administration of indocyanine green. Intraoperative fluorescence in pulmonary metastatic nodules identified on preoperative radiologic imaging or in other nodules that were not identified on preoperative radiologic imaging. |
Secondary Outcome | Fluorescence from the cut surfaces of pulmonary metastatic nodules after surgical resection |
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Age minimum | >= 20age old |
Age maximum | Not applicable |
Gender | Both |
Include criteria | Patients who undergo pulmonary metastasectomies for palpable lesions. |
Exclude criteria | Patients who are allergic to indocyanine green or iodine, those who are 19 years old or younger, those with cognitive disorders, those with hepatic failure, those requiring preoperative computed tomography-guided marking or bronchoscopic marking. |
Related Information
Primary Sponsor | Hamaji Masatsugu |
Secondary Sponsor | |
Source(s) of Monetary Support | |
Secondary ID(s) |
Public contact | |
Name | Masatsugu Hamaji |
Address | 54 Kawahara-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Kyoto Japan 606-8507 |
Telephone | +81-75-751-4975 |
mhamaji@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp | |
Affiliation | Kyoto University Hospital |
Scientific contact | |
Name | Masatsugu Hamaji |
Address | 54 Kawahara-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Kyoto Japan 606-8507 |
Telephone | +81-75-751-4975 |
mhamaji@kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp | |
Affiliation | Kyoto University Hospital |