NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs042200033

Registered date:20/07/2020

SOUTEN trial

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedcolorectal adenoma, adenocarcinoma, serrated polyps
Date of first enrollment08/11/2022
Target sample size352
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)ESD arm: endoscopic removal by standard ESD using a dedicated knife Hybrid ESD arm: endoscopic removal by Hybrid ESD using the multi-functional snare (SOUTEN)


Primary Outcomeen bloc R0 resection rate
Secondary Outcomei) Mean procedure time ii) En bloc R0 resection rate adjusted by location and macroscopic type iii) En bloc R0 resection rate in protruded and flat-elevated /sessile lesions iv) En bloc resection rate v) Medical cost for assigned treatment vi) Adverse events including intraprocedural perforation, delayed perforation, delayed bleeding, and post-endoscopic resection coagulation syndrome

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteriai) Patients are at least twenty years old at the time of obtaining consent ii) Patients have non-pedunculated colorectal neoplasms, 20 to 30 mm in size iii) Patients are performance status of zero or one iv) Patients can be followed up for post operative twenty eight days v) Patients provided a written consent based on the patients free will after he or she has a thorough understanding of the instructions given regarding study participation
Exclude criteriaPatients i) with a history of enrolment in this study, ii) with inflammatory bowel disease or polyposis syndrome, iii) with continuous steroid administration, iv) taking antithronbotic therapy with infeasibility of suspending antithronboticdrugs, v) with blood coagulation disorder, renal failure requring dialysis, or respiratory disease requring oxygen therapy, vi) with pregnancy, vii) with significant mental disorder, viii) with infectious disease requring sistemic therapy, ix) with other invasive colorectal cancer, x) with possible previous treatment, xi) who are determined to be unfit for study by an investigator

Related Information


Public contact
Name Kenichiro Imai
Address 1007 Shimonagakubo, Nagaizumi-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka, Japan Shizuoka Japan 411-8777
Telephone +81-55-989-5222
Affiliation Shizuoka Cancer Center
Scientific contact
Name Kenichiro Imai
Address 1007 Shimonagakubo, Nagaizumi-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka, Japan Shizuoka Japan 411-8777
Telephone +81-55-989-5222
Affiliation Shizuoka Cancer Center