NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs041220126

Registered date:25/01/2023

Upacicalcet on coronary calcification measured in patients undergoing hemodialysis(UPCOMING)

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedSecondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT)
Date of first enrollment19/05/2022
Target sample size350
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Early intervention group Upacicalcet + low dose of active vitamin D (Active vitamin D may be increased, decreased, discontinued, or not administered within the doses specified in the study) Conventional therapy group Administration of active vitamin D (The dosage of active vitamin D may be increased freely within the limits of the package insert)


Primary OutcomeThe amount of change in log-transformed CACS (volume) from baseline (observation period) to 52 weeks (12 months) after study treatment.
Secondary Outcome(1) CACS The amount of change in log-transformed CACS (Agatston score) from baseline (observation period) to 52 weeks (12 months) after study treatment. The proportion of patients with increasing greater than 15% for CACS (volume and Agatston score) (comparison of observation period vs. after 52 weeks from starting of study treatment [12 months]). (2) Total deaths during the study treatment period (all deaths regardless of cause). (3) Incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events during the study treatment period. Major adverse cardiovascular events are defined as cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, unstable angina, heart failure, stroke, and other cardiovascular events requiring hospitalization. (4) Blood biochemical tests Phosphorus (P), corrected calcium (Ca), corrected calcium-phosphorus (Ca * P) product, intact FGF23 and intact PTH. The rate of change and amount of change between baseline (observation period) and at each time point during the study treatment period of above parameters. (5) Progression of aortic stenosis severity during the study treatment period.

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria(At provisional enrollment) (1) Patients who have obtained written consent of their own free will based on full understanding after receiving sufficient explanation prior to participation in this study. (2) Patients who are at least 18 years old at the time of obtaining consent to participate in this study. (3) At the time of the informed consent, patients must be scheduled to be on dialysis or have been on dialysis for less than 60 months. (At main enrollment) (4) Patients who met an intact PTH concentration >240 pg/mL at least once during the period from 12 weeks before informed consent enrollment to main enrollment. -Excludes data before the start of dialysis and less than 4 weeks after the start of dialysis. -Complying with the latest guidelines, patients whose PTH exceeds the upper limit of the management guidelines are considered to have met (4). (5) Patients with serum corrected calcium concentration > 8.4 mg/dL during the observation period. (6) Patients with CACS >= 30 during the observation period. -Eligibility will be determined using data acquired during the observation period for (5), and data acquired within 4 weeks before main enrollment for (6). (7) Patients who have not received any calcimimetics within 4 weeks prior to main enrollment. (8) Patients not using plural active vitamin D preparations within 4 weeks prior to main enrollment.
Exclude criteria(1) Patients who have changed in regimen or start/discontinuation any of calcium preparation,agents for hyperphosphatemia treatment or dyslipidemia within 4 weeks prior to main enrollment. (2) Patients with a history of parathyroid intervention or bone fracture within 12 weeks prior to main enrollment. (3) Patients with any of myocardial infarction, stroke, or lower limb amputation within 12 weeks prior to main enrollment. (4) Patients with a history of coronary artery revascularization (PCI, CABG) . (5) Patients with heart failure of New York Heart Association (NYHA) cardiac function classification III or higher. (6) Patients with serious diseases that are judged to have a life expectancy of 1 year or less. (7) Patients with AST or ALT exceeding 3 times the upper limit of the institutional reference value within 4 weeks prior to main enrollment. (8) Pregnant women, lactating women, or women who wish to become pregnant within 1 year. (9) Patients with allergy to upacicalcet or vitamin D preparations. (10) Patients who have used bisphosphonates, parathyroid hormone preparations (teriparatide), anti-RANKL monoclonal antibody or anti-sclerostin monoclonal antibody within 6 months prior to provisional enrollment. (11) Patients who are deemed inappropriate to participate in the study by the principal investigator(s) for reasons other than those listed above.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Daijo Inaguma
Address 3-6-10 Otobashi Nakagawa-ku,Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken,Japan Aichi Japan 454-8509
Telephone +81-52-323-5678
Affiliation Fujita Health University Bantane Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Daijo Inaguma
Address 3-6-10 Otobashi Nakagawa-ku,Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken,Japan Aichi Japan 454-8509
Telephone +81-52-323-5678
Affiliation Fujita Health University Bantane Hospital