NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs041190114

Registered date:10/02/2020

Exploratory study for molecular profiling of Japanese patients by brodalumab treatment

Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedPsoriasis
Date of first enrollment09/03/2020
Target sample size60
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Administer subcutaneously 210 mg as brodalumab in the first dose, followed by doses at 1 week later, 2 weeks later, and once every 2 weeks thereafter. In this study, the research duration will be 12 weeks.


Primary Outcome1) Clinical parameters 1. PASI score at 12 weeks 2. PASI score 0 achievement rate at 12 weeks 2) Molecular profile 1. Change from 0 week of molecular profile at 12 weeks 2. Effects of brodalumab treatment on inflammation-related and cardiovascular risk factors at 12 weeks
Secondary Outcome1) Clinical parameters 1. sPGA score at 4 weeks 2. BSA at 4 weeks 3. Changes in PASI score over time 4. Change in PASI score 0 achievement rate over time 5. Achievement rate of sPGA score 0 at 12 weeks 6. Change in sPGA score over time 7. Change in the achievement rate of sPGA score 0 8. Changes in BSA over time 9. Search for factors that can predict achievement of PASI score 0 10. Effects of brodalumab treatment on inflammation-related factors at 4 and 12 weeks 2) Molecular profile 1. Difference in molecular profile between PASI score 0 and non-achieved patients at 12 weeks 2. Effect of brodalumab treatment on inflammation-related factors at 2 and 4 weeks 3. Change in molecular profile at 4 weeks from 0 weeks 4. Difference in molecular profile between patients with and without PASI score 0 at 4 weeks 3) All adverse events occurring after brodalumab administration

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1. Patients who have given written informed consent to participate. 2. Patients with plaque psoriasis 3. Patient who aged 18 years or older at the time of informed consent. 4. Patients with a PASI score> 10 or BSA> 10% 5. Patients who met the requirements of the Label
Exclude criteria1. Patients with pustular psoriasis 2. Patients with psoriatic erythroderma 3. Patients who have received brodalumab 4. Patients who took immunosuppressant(steroids(oral, endermic*2(including compound drug)) within 4 weeks before Day1* *1 Day1 is the day first dose of brodalumab in this study *2 Steroids(endermic (including compound drug )) is allowed to be used in area other than the planned biopsy site. 5. Patients with significant infection 6. Patients with active tuberculosis 7. Patients with history of severe hypersensitivity to brodalumab

Related Information


Public contact
Name Akimichi Morita
Address 1, Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Aichi Japan 467-8602
Telephone +81-52-851-5511
Affiliation Nagoya City University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Akimichi Morita
Address 1, Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Aichi Japan 467-8602
Telephone +81-52-851-5511
Affiliation Nagoya City University Hospital