NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs041180125

Registered date:23/03/2019


Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedDementia with Lewy bodies
Date of first enrollment04/10/2017
Target sample size90
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Arm zonisamide 100 mg : zonisamide 100 mg / day + lactose 0.5 g / day given on for 4 weeks. Arm placebo : lactose 1.0 g / day given on for 4 weeks.


Primary OutcomeNeuropsychiatric Inventory
Secondary OutcomeMini Mental State Examination Cognitive Fluctuation Inventory Unified parkinson's Disease Rating Scale part3 Rescue medicine

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 55age old
Age maximum<= 84age old
Include criteria1 Probable DLB with the criteria of DLB workshop 2005 2 BPSD is present on NPI 3 MMSE score 10 26 4 WBC platelet Serum AST ALT ALP GTP level should be in normal range 5 Have a study partner able to provide an independent evaluation of functioning 6 Agreement to sign an informed consent
Exclude criteria1 Patient with non DLB. 2 No focal lesion exists in brain MRI. 3 Has current serious illness, psychiatric problem or drug abuse. 4 Those who have used Zonisamide over before. 5 Those who have joined any clinical trial within 3 month. 6 Those who have received medications that affected the central nervous system within 4 weeks. 7 Dose of chronic medications that affect CNS should be stable for at least 4 weeks before Visit0. 8 Those who are judged inadequate by their doctor.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Mayumi Maeda
Address 7-430 Morioka-cho Obu-shi Aichi, Japan Aichi Japan 474-8511
Telephone +81-562-46-2311
Affiliation National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Scientific contact
Name Yukihiko Washimi
Address 7-430 Morioka-cho Obu-shi Aichi, Japan Aichi Japan 474-8511
Telephone +81-562-46-2311
Affiliation National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology