NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs031240366

Registered date:01/10/2024

Contribution of efratigimod to the reduction of oral prednisolone

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedGeneralized myasthenia gravis
Date of first enrollment01/10/2024
Target sample size16
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Administration as suggested by doctors


Primary OutcomeReduction in the dose of PSL (mg) from baseline at the study's endpoint
Secondary Outcome1) Proportion of patients who were able to administer the drug according to the protocol (if not, it is classified according to whether it was due to PSL reduction or side effects.) 2) MG-ADL scale / MG-QOL 15r-J score / MG composite score 3) Responder rate of Efgartigimod (proportion of patients with an improvement of 2 points or more on the MG-ADL scale) 4) Safety of Efgartigimod fixed interval Administration 5) Comparison of clinical course for AchR+,MuSK+,DSNMG subgroup 6) Before and after the test, changes in bone density, HbA1c, and BMI 7) Investigating biomarkers in patients' serum and plasma that can reveal the effectiveness of efgartigimod and the activity of generalized myasthenia gravis

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximum< 80age old
Include criteria1) Patients with generalized myasthenia gravis who meet the 2013 diagnostic criteria 2) Patients with generalized myasthenia gravis who are taking more than 6 mg of prednisolone 3) Patients with generalized myasthenia gravis who have an MG-ADL score of over 5 4) Patients whose ages are within 18 to 79 5) Patients who fully understand and agree to participate in the study after receiving a thorough explanation
Exclude criteria1) Patients who have previously taken efgartigimod 2) Patients who have been treated with other moleculary targeted drugs 3) Patients whose IgG level is below 400 mg/ml during the screening test 4) Patients who are carriers of type B hepatitis virus or have an active HBV/HCV infection 5) Patients with a past history of HBV/HCV infection, excluding those whose nucleic acid levels for HBV/HCV are below the detection limit 6) Patients with severe hepatic dysfunction, indicated by AST (GOT) or ALT (GPT) levels exceeding 100 U/L 7) Patients with severe kidney dysfunction, indicated by serum creatinine level exceeding 2.0 mg/dL 8) Patients with a tuberculosis infection 9) Patients with malignant cancer or a past history of malignant cancer, excluding those who have been recurrence-free for more than 5 years 10) Patients with an active infection 11) Patients who are pregnant or may be pregnant 12) Patients who are breastfeeding 13) Patients who have received a live vaccine within the past 30 days 14) Patients whom the doctors responsible for the study determine are not suited for participation

Related Information


Public contact
Name Motoki Fujimaki
Address 2-1-1 Amakubo,Tsukuba,Ibaraki Ibaraki Japan 305-8575
Telephone +81-29-853-3224
Affiliation University of Tsukuba Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Shinji Saiki
Address 2-1-1 Amakubo,Tsukuba,Ibaraki Ibaraki Japan 305-8575
Telephone +81-29-853-3224
Affiliation University of Tsukuba Hospital