NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs031240344

Registered date:18/09/2024

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study to assess the efficacy and safety of Antibiotic Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (A-FMT) in patients with Parkinson's disease

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedAdvanced stage sporadic Parkinson's disease
Date of first enrollment18/09/2024
Target sample size32
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Three antimicrobial agents are administered for 5 days. 2 - 7 days after administration of antimicrobial agents, patients are randomly assigned to the test drug treatment group or the placebo group and each will received one dose of FMT or a placebo solution.


Primary OutcomeThe amount of change in Movement Disorders Society Unified Parkinson's Disease Scale (MDS-UPDRS) total score from baseline (start of antimicrobial therapy) to last assessment (8 weeks post FMT)
Secondary Outcome1) MDS-UPDRS total score (change from baseline to 4 weeks FMT after completion of antimicrobial therapy) 2) MDS-UPDRS part I, II, III, IV (change from baseline to 4 weeks FMT and 8 weeks FMT after completion of antimicrobial therapy) 3) Objective assessment of diurnal variation in motor symptoms (change from baseline to 8 weeks post-antimicrobial withdrawal and 8 weeks post-FMT) 4) Various self-administered endpoints (PDQ39, BDI-II, WOQ19, SCOPA-AUT, PDSS-2) (change from baseline to end of antimicrobial regimen, 4 weeks after FMT, and 8 weeks after FMT)

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 40age old
Age maximum<= 75age old
Include criteria1) Patients who are at least 40 years old to 75 years old or less at the time of obtaining consent ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 2) Patients with a sporadic Parkinson's disease ( Clinically established PD with MDS clinical diagnostic criteria) ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 3) Patients with clear diurnal variation in motor symptoms ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 4) Patients who can obtain written consent of their own free will ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 5) Patients with H&Y of 3 or less at the time of On ( at the time of obtaining consent , primary registration) 6) Patients who are outpatients ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 7) Patients without psychiatric symptoms or cognitive impairment ( at the time of obtaining consent , primary enrollment) 8) Patients who are judged by the principal investigator (sub-investigator) to be adequately evaluated for the efficacy and safety of the study after considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria ( at the time of obtaining consent , primary enrollment, secondary enrollment*) *In the case of secondary enrollment, Patients who are judged by the principal investigator (sub-investigator) to be eligible for appropriate evaluation of the efficacy and safety of this study (including confirmation of antimicrobial compliance)
Exclude criteria1) Patients with serious gastrointestinal diseases other than constipation and patients with a history of colorectal resection ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 2) Patients with Helicobacter pylori infection (primary enrollment) 3) Patients with serious cardiac disease, renal disease (serum creatinine >= 2.0 mg/dL or BUN >= 25 mg/dL), or hepatic disease (total bilirubin >= 3.0 mg/dL or AST (GOT) or ALT (GPT) >= 100 IU/L) (primary enrollment) 4) Patients suffering from autoimmune or infectious diseases ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 5) Patients with immunodeficiency ( at the time of obtaining consent , primary enrollment) 6) Patients with malignant tumors or who have not passed 5 years since treatment ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 7) Patients with concomitant drug hypersensitivity or history of drug hypersensitivity to laxatives and antimicrobial agents used in this study ( at the time of obtaining consent , primary enrollment) 8) Patients with a history of antimicrobial use within 3 months of primary enrollment (primary enrollment) 9) Patients with a history of entacapone use within 4 weeks of the primary enrollment date (primary enrollment) 10) Patients with a history of use of intestinal regulators within 1 week of primary enrollment (primary enrollment) 11)Patients with a history of live vaccination within 4 weeks of primary enrollment (primary enrollment) 12) Pregnant or possibly pregnant women, men and women who cannot consent to contraception during study participation ( at the time of obtaining consent, primary enrollment, secondary enrollment ) 13) Women who are breastfeeding ( at the time of obtaining consent ) 14)Patients who have received any other investigational drug within 12 weeks prior to the examination, observation, etc. specified in this study protocol ( primary enrollment) 15) Other patients who are judged by the principal investigator (sub-investigator) to be inappropriate as subjects ( at the time of obtaining consent, primary enrollment, secondary enrollment*) *In the case of secondary enrollment, Patients whom the principal investigator (sub-investigator) judges that the efficacy and safety of the study can be appropriately evaluated (including confirmation of antimicrobial compliance).

Related Information


Public contact
Name Taku Hatano
Address 3-1-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8431, JAPAN Tokyo Japan 113-8431
Telephone +81-3-3813-3111
Affiliation Juntendo University School of Medicine Juntendo Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Taku Hatano
Address 3-1-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8431, JAPAN Tokyo Japan 113-8431
Telephone +81-3-3813-3111
Affiliation Juntendo University School of Medicine Juntendo Hospital