NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs031200289

Registered date:08/01/2021

AMPA receptors PET imaging in stroke-aphasia patients

Basic Information

Recruitment status Not Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedStroke, aphasia
Date of first enrollment10/05/2021
Target sample size8
Countries of recruitment
Study typeOther
Intervention(s)Single intravenous administration of [11C]K-2, which radiation dose should be aroud 370MBq ( 333MBq - 407MBq).


Primary OutcomeChanges of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and delta %SUV of [11C]K-2 in language related areas (LanA) and its homologous areas (HomA). In this study, LanRA reffers to precentralgyrus, supramarginal gyrus, angular gyrus, superior and middle temporal gyrus, posterior inferior temporal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus in lesional hemisphere, while HomA reffers to those in contra-lesional hemisphere.
Secondary Outcome1. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and delta SUVRs (ref. : white matter) in LanRA and HomA 2. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and %SUV in LanRA and HomA at 1st PET scan 3. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and %SUV in LanRA and HomA at 2nd PET scan 4. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and SUVR (ref. : white matter) in LanRA and HomA at 1st PET scan 5. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and SUVR (ref. : white matter) in LanRA and HomA at 2nd PET scan 6. Gray matter volume of LanRA and HomA calculated from 1st MRI T1 images based on voxel based morphometry 7. Gray matter volume of LanRA and HomA calculated from 2nd MRI T1 images based on voxel based morphometry 8. Fractional anisotropy value involved in LanRA and HomA calculated from 1st MRI DTI 9. Fractional anisotropy value involved in LanRA and HomA calculated from 2nd MRI DTI 10. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and delta %SUV in each brain region 11. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and delta SUVR (ref. : white matter) in each brain region 12. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and %SUV at 1st PET scan in each brain region 13. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and %SUV at 2nd PET scan in each brain region 14. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and SUVR (ref. : white matter) at 1st PET scan in each brain region 15. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and SUVR (ref. : white matter) at 2nd PET scan in each brain region Brain regions in 10-15 are defined as below; superior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, straight gyrus, precentral gyrus, anterior orbital gyrus, posterior orbital gyrus, lateral orbital gyrus, medial orbital gyrus, hippocampus, amygdala, parahippocampal gyrus, fusiform gyrus, superior temporal gyrus anterior and posterior part, middle and inferior temporal gyrus, posterior temporal lobe, post central gyrus, superior parietal gyrus, inferiolateral remainder of parietal lobe, lingual gyrus, cuneus, lateral remainder of occipital lobe, insula, subgenus anterior cingulate gyrus, subcallosal are, pre-subgenual anterior cingulate gyrus, caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens, putamen, thalamus, palladium, substantia nigra, cerebellum, brainstem, and corpus callosum . 16. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and %SUV in each voxel 17. Changes of WAB scores during 8 weeks-speech therapy and SUVR (ref. : white matter) in each voxel

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum<= 86age 12month 48weeks old
Include criteria1. 20 years older and 86 years younger at the registration 2. Diagnosed as initial symptomatic stroke with aphasia 3. A Patient who can express his or her intent to participate in this research with written documents by himself or herself. When a patient is unable to write his or her sign due to their aphasia symptom, a substitute who was asked to write his or her sign by the patient can express intents to participate in this research with written documents in stead of the patient.
Exclude criteria1. Patients with Raven's coloured porgressive Matrices's score less than 18 2. Patients with Brunstrome stage less than 4 in at least one area among fingers, upper limbs and lower limbs 3. Patients with biochemical examination below ; (a) serum Cr >=2.0 mg/dl, (b) AST >=200 IU/L, (c) ALT >=150 IU/L 4. Patients with post-stroke epilepsy 5. Patients who need an administrarion of perampanel 6. Patients with dialysis 7. Patients who can not undergo head 3T-MRI 8. Patients who desire to undergo non invasive brain stimulation therapy

Related Information


Public contact
Name Hiroki Abe
Address 3-9 Fukuura, Kanazawa, Yokohama Kanagawa Japan 236-0004
Telephone +81-45-787-2579
Affiliation Yokohama City University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Hiroki Abe
Address 3-9 Fukuura, Kanazawa, Yokohama Kanagawa Japan 236-0004
Telephone +81-45-787-2579
Affiliation Yokohama City University Hospital