NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs031200150

Registered date:14/10/2020

Prophylactic study for COVID-19 with Kampo medicines

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedCOVID-19
Date of first enrollment27/11/2020
Target sample size6000
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Participants are randomly divided into two groups, a herbal medicine group, and a placebo group. Participants in each group continue to take 9 tablets twice a day orally before or between meals for 8 weeks (56 days).


Primary OutcomeThe number of COVID-19 PCR positives with symptoms
Secondary Outcome1. The period from infection to onset 2. The period from the appearance of symptoms to the disappearance of PCR positive 3. Number of days until the appearance of symptoms or improvement of symptoms 4. Severe stage: Presence of hospitalization with oxygen inhalation 5. Shock stage: ICU management required for mechanical ventilation, shock vitals, or organ failure other than lungs

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum<= 75age old
Include criteria1) Age from 20 to 75 years old (at the time of registration) 2) Asymptomatic and body temperature below 37.0 degrees Celsius (at the time of registration) 3) Capable of eating orally
Exclude criteria1)Previous upper respiratory inflammation due to viral infection (including suspected COVID-19) 2)Taking immunosuppressants 3)Allergic to any Kampo medicines 4)History of hypokalaemia, severe hypertension, severe liver dysfunction, and interstitial pneumonia 5)Regularly taking other Kampo medicines 6)Pregnant or possibly pregnant 7)Participating in other research 8)Judged to be unsuitable for this study by the doctor in charge

Related Information


Public contact
Name Takao Namiki
Address 1-8-1 Inohana Chuo-ku Chiba-city Chiba Chiba Japan 260-8673
Telephone +81-43-222-7171
Affiliation Medical Mycology Research Center Chiba University
Scientific contact
Name Takao Namiki
Address 1-8-1 Inohana Chuo-ku Chiba-city Chiba Japan 260-8677
Telephone 81-43-226-2984
Affiliation Chiba University Hospital