NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs031180044

Registered date:27/11/2018

The study of therapy to diarrhea symptoms by the bile acid sequestrants

Basic Information

Recruitment status Not Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedIBS-D or functional diarrhea
Date of first enrollment11/01/2019
Target sample size50
Countries of recruitmentno,Japan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)The patients receive oral colestimide 1.5g twice per day after meals for 2 weeks


Primary OutcomeChanges in stool frequency before and after colestimide administration
Secondary OutcomeChanges in average stool shape before and after colestimide administration Degree of improvement of subjective symptoms after colestimide administration Changes in frequency of rescue medication use before and after colestimide administration Compliance rate of oral colestimide Incidence rate of adverse events Changes in gut microbiota before and after colestimide administration Changes in metabolites in the stool before and after colestimide administration Diversity of intestinal bacteria Changes in C4, FGF19 and amount of bile acid in stool and blood before and after colestimide administration

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum<= 79age old
Include criteria(1) Patients who are diagnosed IBS-D or functional diarrhea by ROME criteria and have treatment for the diarrhea within 4 weeks before entry (2) Patients who have more than three defecation or more than bristol score 6 per day (3) Patients who are excluded mechanical disorders by colonoscopy within five years (4) Patients who are 20 years old or over and under 80
Exclude criteria(1) Patients who have severe complications (2) Patients who had colestimide within 4 weeks before entry (3) Patients who have history of colestimide allergies (4) Patients who are biliary obstruction (5) Patients who are intestinal obstruction (6) Patients who have narrowing of colon lumen (7) Patients who have diverticular disease of intestine (8) Patients who have difficulty of swallowing (9) Patients who have hemorrhoid (10) Patients who have or had gastrointestinal ulcer (11) Patients who have bleeding tendency (12) Patients who have particular drug (13) Patients who have fewer than bristol score 2 (14) Patients who have severe psychiatric disease (15) Patients who have current evidence of abuse of drugs or alcohol (16) Patients who have new therapy for diarrhea within 4 weeks before entry (17) Patients who had taken new drug therapy within 4 weeks before entry (18) Patients who are judged as inadequately for study entry

Related Information


Public contact
Name Noboru Misawa
Address 3-9, Fukura, Kanazawa-ku Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Kanagawa Japan 236-0004
Telephone +81-45-787-2640
Affiliation Yokohama City University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Noboru Misawa
Address 3-9, Fukura, Kanazawa-ku Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Kanagawa Japan 236-0004
Telephone +81-457872640
Affiliation Yokohama City University Hospital