NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCTs031180005

Registered date:23/01/2019

JCOG1213: Randomized phase III study of etoposide plus cisplatin combination therapy versus irinotecan plus cisplatin combination therapy in advanced neuroendocrine carcinoma of the digestive system.

Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedadvanced neuroendocrine carcinoma of the digestive system
Date of first enrollment14/08/2014
Target sample size170
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)A: Chemotherapy with etoposide (100 mg/m2/day, day 1,2,3) and cisplatin (80 mg/m2/day, day 1) repeated every 3 weeks B: Chemotherapy with irinotecan (60 mg/m2/day, day 1,8,15) and cisplatin (60 mg/m2/day, day 1) repeated every 4 weeks.


Primary OutcomeOverall survival
Secondary OutcomeResponse rate, Progression free survival, Adverse events, Dose intensity of cisplatin, Serious adverse events

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum<= 75age old
Include criteria1) Histologically proven neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC). 2) NEC arise in esophagus, stomach, duodenum, intestine, appendix, colon, rectum, gallbladder, intrahepatic bile duct, extrahepatic bile duct, ampulla of Vater, pancreas, and liver. 3) Unresectable or recurrent cancer; Patients with the following are not eligible: cT4, no distant metastasis rather than supraclavicular lymph node, or stenosis indicated for palliative radiotherapy for esophageal NEC. 4) No previous chemotherapy or radiotherapy for NEC. Pre- or post-operative chemotherapy except irinotecan or etoposide for NEC is allowed as long as it was completed at least 8 weeks prior to registration. 5) No previous chemotherapy using platinum agents for any malignancies. 6) Aged 20 to 75 years old. 7) ECOG performance status of 0 or 1. 8) Measurable region is not required. 9) Adequate organ functions. 10) Written informed consent.
Exclude criteria1) Synchronous or metachronous (within 5 years) malignancies except carcinoma in situ or intramucosal tumor curatively treated with local therapy. 2) Active infection requiring systemic therapy. 3) Fever of 38 degrees Celsius or higher. 4) Pregnant or lactating women, women of childbearing potential, or women within 28 days after delivery. 5) Psychiatric disease. 6) Patients requiring systemic steroids medication. 7) Interstitial pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis. 8) Serious co-existing illness. 9) Unstable angina pectoris within 3 weeks, or with a history of myocardial infarction within 6 months. 10) Impossible to use both iodine and gadolinium due to being allergic to contrast agent. 11) Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or routine administration of insulin.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Satoru IWASA
Address 5-1-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0045 Japan Tokyo Japan 104-0045
Telephone +81-3-3547-5293
Affiliation National Cancer Center Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Takuji OKUSAKA
Address 5-1-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0045 Japan Tokyo Japan 104-0045
Telephone +81-3-3542-2511
Affiliation National Cancer Center Hospital