NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT2071240014

Registered date:21/05/2024

ONO-1110-03 : A Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of ONO-1110 in Healthy Japanese Adult Male Subjects

Basic Information

Recruitment status Not Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedHealthy volunteers
Date of first enrollment07/06/2024
Target sample size6
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Subjects receive a single oral dose of 180-mg ONO-1110.


Primary OutcomePlasma ONO-1110 concentrations and pharmacokinetic parameters
Secondary OutcomeAdverse events that occurred after administration of investigational product until the end of final examination

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximum<= 45age old
Include criteria1) Healthy Japanese adult males 2) The subject is aged 18 to 45 years, inclusive, at the time of signing the informed consent form. 3) The subject has a BMI of 18.5 kg/m2 or more and less than 25.0 kg/m2 (rounded down to 2 decimal places) at screening.
Exclude criteria1) An individual who is receiving treatment for or has a history of a respiratory, cardiovascular, psychiatric, neurological, gastrointestinal, immunological, hepatic, renal, hematopoietic, endocrine, or other disease 2) Subjects with current or perious history of severe allergy to drugs or food 3) The subject who is judged by the investigator or subinvestigator to be inappropriate as a subject of this study based on the results of screening tests

Related Information


Public contact
Name Center Information Medical
Address 3 -1 -1 Sakurai, Shimamoto-cho, Mishima-gun, Osaka Osaka Japan 618-8585
Telephone +81-120-626-190
Affiliation Ono Pharmaceutical Co.,LTD
Scientific contact
Name Yoshinobu Namba
Address 3 -1 -1 Sakurai, Shimamoto-cho, Mishima-gun, Osaka Osaka Japan 618-8585
Telephone +81-120-626-190
Affiliation Ono Pharmaceutical Co.,LTD