NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT2031240194

Registered date:28/06/2024

A Study to Compare the Efficacyand Safety of GolcadomidePlus R-CHOPvs Placebo Plus R- CHOPin Participantswith Previously Untreated High-riskLarge B-cellLymphoma

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedLarge B-cell Lymphoma
Date of first enrollment28/06/2024
Target sample size66
Countries of recruitmentArgentina,Japan,Australia,Japan,Austria,Japan,Brazil,Japan,Bulgaria,Japan,Canada,Japan,Chile,Japan,China,Japan,Colombia,Japan,Croatia,Japan,Czech Republic,Japan,Denmark,Japan,Finland,Japan,France,Japan,Germany,Japan,Greece,Japan,Hungary,Japan,India,Japan,Malaysia,Japan,Mexico,Japan,New Zealand,Japan,Norway,Japan,Poland,Japan,Portugal,Japan,Romania,Japan,Saudi Arabia,Japan,Singapore,Japan,Slovakia,Japan,Spain,Japan,Republic of Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turke,Japan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Golcadomide plus R-CHOP Specified dose on specified days Placebo plus R-CHOP Specified dose on specified days


Primary OutcomeProgression-Free Survival (PFS)
Secondary OutcomeOverall Survival (OS), Event-Free Survival (EFS), Complete Metabolic Response (CMR), Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) negativity, Overall Response (OR), Duration of Response (DoR), Progression-Free Survival 2 (PFS2), Relative Dose Intensities (RDI), Quality Of Life (QOL), Safety

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximum<= 80age old
Include criteria1. Participant has histologically confirmed (per local evaluation) diagnosis of de novo, previously untreated LBCL according to 2022 WHO classification including: - DLBCL, NOS (including GCB and ABC types) - High-grade B-cell lymphoma, with MYC and BCL2 rearrangements - High-grade B-cell lymphoma, NOS - T-cell/histiocyte/rich large B-cell lymphoma (THRLBCL) - EBV+ DLBCL 2. Participant has: - IPI score 1 or 2 with LDH >= 1.3 x ULN and/or bulky disease defined as single lesion of >= 7 cm OR IPI >= 3 - Measurable disease defined by at least 1 FDG-avid lesion for FDG-avid subtype and 1 bi-dimensionally measurable (> 1.5 cm in longest diameter) disease by CT or MRI, as defined by the Lugano classification. - Participants must have Ann Arbor Stage II-IV disease
Exclude criteria1. Participant has any significant medical condition, active infection, laboratoryabnormality, or psychiatric illness that would prevent the participant from participating in the study. 2. Participant has any other subtype of lymphoma. Cases of PMBCL, primary cutaneous DLBCL-leg type, Grade 3b FL, FL transformed to LBCL, ALK-positive large B-cell lymphoma, PEL, Burkitt lymphoma are excluded. 3. Participant has documented or suspected CNS involvement by lymphoma.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Jin Hayakawa
Address 1-2-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Japan 100-0004
Telephone +81-120-093-507
Affiliation Bristol-Myers Squibb
Scientific contact
Name Jin Hayakawa
Address 1-2-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Japan 100-0004
Telephone +81-120-093-507
Affiliation Bristol-Myers Squibb