NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT2031230121

Registered date:07/06/2023

Study to Test the Safety and Tolerability of PF-07220060 in Participants With Advance Solid Tumors

Basic Information

Recruitment status Suspended
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedadvanced or metastatic BC, prostate cancer or other solid tumor
Date of first enrollment08/06/2023
Target sample size337
Countries of recruitmentUnited States,Japan,Argentina,Japan,China,Japan,Czechia,Japan,Mexico,Japan,Slovakia,Japan,United Kingdom,Japan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)* Part 1A/1D/1E: PF-07220060 (CDK4 inhibitor) * Part 1B/2B: PF-07220060 + Letrozole * Part 1C/2A/2C: PF-07220060 + Fulvestrant * Part 1F/2D: PF-07220060 + Enzalutamide


Primary Outcome* Number of participants with DLT in the dose escalation portion [Time Frame: Baseline up to day 28 of Cycle 1] (Part 1A/1B/1C/1F) * Incidence of clinically significant AEs, laboratory abnormalities and vital sign abnormalities [Time Frame: Weekly during Cycle 1 and 2 and then every 28 days through study completion, up to approximately 24 months; Each cycle is 28 days] (Part 1) * Incidence of clinically significant abnormal ECG parameters [Time Frame: Day 1, Day 8, Day 15 of Cycle 1 and starting from Cycle 2, and then every 28 days through study completion, up to approximately 24 months (Each cycle is 28 days)] (Part 1) * Food effect on PK parameters including Cmax, Tmax, AUC [Time Frame: Day -7 through the end of Cycle 1] (Part 1D) * PF-07220060's effect on PK parameters of midazolam (CYP3A4 probe substrate) including Cmax, Tmax, AUC [Time Frame: Day -1 through the end of Cycle 1] (Part 1E)
Secondary OutcomePart 1 Dose escalatoin portion * PK parameter of single dose: Cmax; Tmax; AUClast; AUCinf; CL/F; Vz/F; and t1/2 (Parts 1A/1B/1C/1F) * PK parameter of multiple dose: Css,max; Tss,max; AUCss,t; Css,min; CLss/F; Vss/F; t1/2; and Rac (AUCss,t /AUCsd,t) (Parts 1A/1B/1C/1E/1F) * PK parameter of enzalutamide (Part 1F) [Time Frame: Cycle 1 (each cycle is 28 days) and Day 1 of each subsequent cycle and at study completion visit, up to approximately 24 months] * Objective response rate (ORR) per RECIST v1.1 (Part 1A-E) or PCGW3 (Part 1F) Part 2 Dose expansion portion * ORR, Duration of Response (DOR), Progression Free Survival (PFS), Time to Progression (TTP), Clinical Benefit Rate (CBR) per RECIST v1.1 (Parts 2A/2B/2C) * ORR, DOR by PCWG3, PSA50 rate, rPFS, Time to first skeletal related events (Part 2D) * Symptoms and Health-Related Quality of Life (Part 2D) [Time Frame: baseline up to approximately 24 months] * Peak and Trough Concentration of PF-07220060 (Parts 2A/2B/2C/2D) and enzalutamide (Part 2D) [Time Frame: Cycle 1 (each cycle is 28 days) and Day 1 of each subsequent cycle and at study completion visit, up to approximately 24 months ]

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteriaDisease * Part 1A/1D/1E: HR+HER2-BC, HR+HER2+BC, NSCLC, prostate cancer, CRC, liposarcoma, or tumors with previously confirmed CDK4 or CCND1 amplification according to local standard tests * Part 1B/1C: HR+HER2-BC * Part 1F: Prostate cancer * Part 2A/2B/2C: HR+HER2-BC * Part 2D: CRPC Lesion * Part 1: evaluable lesion (including skin or bone lesion only) * Part 2A/2B/2C: measurable lesion per RECIST v1.1 * Part 2D: evaluable disease as per PCWG3; participants with bone metastases only are allowed. Participants with biochemical recurrence only are excluded Prior systemic treatment * Part 1: Refractory to or intolerant of existing standard therapies including CDK4/6i, HER2 targeting therapy or approved systemic therapy, or no standard therapy is available * Part 2A: Must have at least 1 line of SOC, including prior CDK4/6i, for advanced/metastatic BC (Prior chemotherapies for advanced disease setting are allowed; Prior fulvestrant, mTOR and/or PI3K inhibitors are allowed) * Part 2B: No prior systemic anti-cancer therapies for advanced/metastatic BC * Part 2C: Progressed during treatment or within 12 months of completion of adjuvant therapy with an aromatase inhibitor if postmenopausal or tamoxifen if pre or perimenopausal; or Progressed while on or within 1 month after the end of the prior aromatase inhibitor therapy for advanced/metastatic BC if postmenopausal or endocrine treatment for advanced/metastatic BC if pre or perimenopausal (one previous line of chemotherapy for advanced/metastatic disease is allowed in addition to endocrine therapy) Part 2D: Received prior treatment with abiraterone in any setting; No prior enzalutamide and CDK4/6i (up to 1 prior line of chemotherapy in any setting is allowed) General inclusion criteria * ECOG PS 0 or 1 * Adequate renal, liver, and bone marrow function
Exclude criteria* Part 1D: participants who have had a gastrectomy or have dietary or other restrictions that preclude a 10 hour overnight fast or consumption of the high fat, high calorie meal * Part 2B: prior neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment with a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor with disease recurrence while on or within 12 months of completing treatment. Prior treatment with any CDK4/6 inhibitor * Part 2C: prior treatment with any CDK inhibitor, fulvestrant, everolimus, or any agent whose mechanism of action is to inhibit the PI3K-mTOR pathway * Known active uncontrolled or symptomatic Central Nervous System (CNS) metastases carcinomatous meningitis, or leptomeningeal disease * Other active malignancy within 3 years prior to randomization, except for adequately treated basal cell or squamous cell skin cancer, or carcinoma in situ * Major surgery or radiation within 4 weeks prior to study intervention * Last anti-cancer treatment within 2 weeks prior to study intervention * Participation in other studies involving investigational drug(s) within 4 weeks prior to study entry * Pregnant or breastfeeding female participant * Active inflammatory gastrointestinal (GI) disease, known diverticular disease or previous gastric resection or lap band surgery including impairment of gastrointestinal function or GI disease

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Public contact
Name Clinical Trials Information Desk
Address Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg., 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Japan 151-8589
Telephone +81-3-5309-7000
Affiliation Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.
Scientific contact
Name Norisuke Kawai
Address Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg., 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Tokyo Japan 151-8589
Telephone +81-3-5309-7000
Affiliation Pfizer R&D Japan G.K.