NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1080222790

Registered date:11/03/2015

Bioequivalence study of OPC-41061 1% powder-formulation

Basic Information

Recruitment status completed
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedVolume overload in heart failure
Date of first enrollment14/08/2014
Target sample size40
Countries of recruitmentJapan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)investigational material(s) Generic name etc : OPC-41061 1% powder INN of investigational material : Tolvaptan Therapeutic category code : 213 Diuretics Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Single oral administration with about 150 mL of water after fasting control material(s) Generic name etc : OPC-41061 15 mg tablet INN of investigational material : Tolvaptan Therapeutic category code : 213 Diuretics Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Single oral administration with about 150 mL of water after fasting


Primary Outcomebioequivalence AUCt and Cmax of OPC-41061 The difference in the mean log-transformed values between the two formulations and the 90% CI are determined.
Secondary Outcomebioequivalence 1)Plasma concentration-time profile of OPC-41061 2)AUC, MRT, tmax, Lambdaz of OPC-41061 The data are log-transformed and examined by ANOVA using the group, formulation, subject within group, and administration period as factors.

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum<= 39age old
Include criteria1)Judged to be capable of providing written informed consent prior to the start of the examinations for this study 2)Body weight of at least 50.0 kg 3)BMI [body weight in kg / (height in m)2]: At least 17.6 kg/m2 and less than 25.0 kg/m2 4)Judged to be healthy based on medical history, physical findings, vital signs, 12-lead ECG, clinical laboratory findings, etc 5)Subjects who, together with their partner(s), are capable of using an effective method of contraception from the time of written informed consent until 90 days after final investigational medicinal product (IMP) administration
Exclude criteria1)Abnormality that could place the subject at risk or affect drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, or excretion; includes history or current symptoms of cardiac, hepatic, renal, neurological, endocrine, gastrointestinal, respiratory, hematological, or immunological disease 2)History of alcohol or drug dependence or abuse 3)Suspected infection with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, or syphilis based on results of the respective tests 4)History of any drug allergy (including all prescription and OTC drugs) 5)Urine alcohol test result of 0.1 mg/mL or more or positive result for urine drug screening 6)History of difficulty in blood collection 7)Administration of any investigational drug within 120 days prior to Period 1 IMP administration 8)Blood collection (blood donation, etc) of more than 200 mL within 30 days, more than 400 mL within 90 days, or 1200 mL or more within 1 year prior to Period 1 IMP administration 9)Consumption of any food or beverage containing St. John's wort within 14 days prior to Period 1 IMP administration 10)Consumption of any food or beverage containing grapefruit, Seville orange, or star fruit within 7 days prior to Period 1 IMP administration 11)Use of any prescription or OTC drug within 14 days prior to Period 1 IMP administration 12)Smoking or positive result for urine cotinine test within 60 days prior to Period 1 IMP administration 13)Occupational exposure to pesticides or organic solvents within 30 days prior to screening 14)Blood pressure after 3 minutes of rest outside the normal range at the study site 15)Heart rate after 3 minutes of rest outside the normal range at the study site 16)History of bleeding or bleeding tendency 17)No fixed address 18)History of any serious psychiatric disorder judged inappropriate for inclusion in the study

Related Information


Public contact
Address -
Telephone +81-3-6361-7314
Affiliation Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., LTD.
Scientific contact
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Affiliation Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., LTD.