NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1080221581

Registered date:14/09/2011

A multi-center,_double-blind,_pararel-group comparison phase 4 trial to investigate the effect of tolvaptan on mid- to long-term prognosis of heart failure patients

Basic Information

Recruitment status
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedVolume overload in heart failure that does not respond adequately to other diuretics (e.g., loop diuretics)
Date of first enrollment14/09/2011
Target sample size100
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)investigational material(s) Generic name etc : tolvaptan INN of investigational material : Therapeutic category code : 213 Diuretics Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Once-daily oral administration of one tolvaptan 15 mg tablet in the morning control material(s) Generic name etc : Placebo INN of investigational material : Therapeutic category code : --- Other Dosage and Administration for Investigational material : Once-daily oral administration of one placebo tablet in the morning


Primary Outcomemid- or long-term prognosis Assessment of events over 26 weeks Adverse events, serum sodium concentration, clinical laboratory tests, vital signs, 12-lead ECG, M-mode echocardiography, and mortality at Week 26 Change from baseline Body weight, congenitive findings, cardiothoracic ratio, pulmonary congestion, New York Heart Association (NYHA) Classification, plasma brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentration Change from baseline
Secondary Outcome

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum<= 85age old
Include criteria1) Patients from whom informed consent has been properly obtained in writing prior to start of the trial 2) Patients who have been clinically diagnosed with heart failure 3) Patients with any of the following conditions or symptoms: lower limb edema, dyspnea, jugular venous distension, hepatomegaly, pulmonary rales, third heart sound, or pulmonary congestion 4) Patients who have been receiving loop diuretics, thiazide diuretics, or anti-aldosterone diuretics 5) Male or female patients of age 20 to 85 years inclusive (at time of informed consent) 6) Patients who, together with their partner(s), are able to use an appropriate method of contraception until 3 months after final trial drug administration 7) Patients who are able to be hospitalized at the trial site for at least 7 days from the start of trial drug administration
Exclude criteria1) Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug or to tolvaptan analogues (e.g., mozavaptan hydrochloride) 2) Patients with anuria 3) Patients who cannot sense thirst or who have difficulty with fluid intake 4) Patients with hypernatremia (serum sodium concentration > institutional upper limit of normal) 5) Female patients who are pregnant, possibly pregnant, or nursing 6) Patients judged by the investigator or subinvestigator to be inappropriate for inclusion in the trial due to any of the following conditions or symptoms: - Hyponatremia (serum sodium concentration < 125 mEq/L) - Serious coronary artery disease or cerebrovascular disease - Hyperkalemia - Severe renal disorder - Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus - Severe hepatic disease - Impaired urinary excretion due to urinary stenosis, calculus, or tumor - Cardiac valve disease with significant heart valve stenosis - Malignant tumor of unfavorable prognosis 7) Patients with suspected hypovolemia 8) Patients with an implanted circulatory support device 9) Patients in whom acute cardiac infarction occurred within 30 days prior to the screening examination 10) Patients who participated in any other clinical trial or postmarketing clinical trial within 30 days prior to the date of informed consent for the present trial 11) Patients who received tolvaptan within 26 weeks prior to the date of informed consent 12) Patients who are otherwise judged by the investigator or sub-investigator to be inappropriate for inclusion in the trial

Related Information


Public contact
Address +81-3-6361-7314
Affiliation Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Scientific contact
Address Kyoji Imaoka, Senior Operating Officer, Director
Affiliation Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.