NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1072240101

Registered date:24/01/2025

Investigation of non-pharmacological (warm compress) care for postoperative neurosurgical pain

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedunruptured cerebral aneurysm, trigeminal neuralgia, facial spasm, brain tumor
Date of first enrollment24/01/2025
Target sample size50
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Hot compress once a day


Primary OutcomeChange in NRS values before and after intervention
Secondary OutcomeSubjective evaluation of nausea, change in Barthel Index, change in food intake, pain relief, pleasure/discomfort, and sleep

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimumNot applicable
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteriaCases after neurosurgical craniotomy (clipping, microvascular decompression, tumor resection) admitted to Ward 3 East Patients discharged from the intensive care unit to the general ward Clear consciousness JCS I1 and able to communicate Able to describe pain by NRS Patients who can take analgesics
Exclude criteriaCases in which emergency surgery was performed Cases in which the patient has expressed his/her refusal to participate in this study Patients who are prone to skin problems such as eczema or urticaria due to hyperthermia Patients with temperature and pain sensation disorders Patients who easily lose their sensitivity to tapes.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Yohei Takayama
Address 5-3-1 Chikami Minami-ku Kumamoto city Kumamoto Kumamoto Japan 861-4193
Telephone +81-96-351-8000
Affiliation Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Sae Kiyoshima
Address 5-3-1 Chikami Minami-ku Kumamoto city Kumamoto Kumamoto Japan 861-4193
Telephone +81-96-351-8000
Affiliation Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital