NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1071240119

Registered date:28/02/2025

Pembrolizumab In Older patients with triple-Negative breast cancer for Evaluating Response-guided treatment

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedtriple negaive breast cancer
Date of first enrollment28/02/2025
Target sample size40
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Two cycles of dose dense EC are administered as preoperative chemotherapy, and tumor size is measured by MRI. If the tumor size has decreased by 40% or less, patients are treated with EC plus pembrolizumab, carboplatin, and paclitaxel. If tumor size is smaller than 40%, continue dose-dense chemotherapy.


Primary OutcomepCR rate and incidence of adverse events including irAE in all patients (CTCAE ver. 5.0)
Secondary OutcomeProportion of responder group and no-pCR cases among all patients, 3-year recurrence-free survival (all patients, pCR group, no-pCR group), proportion of responder group, pathologic response (grade) in responder, re- search for cut-off value, and incidence of Grade 3 or higher adverse events, incidence of irAEs, completion rate of chemotherapy

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 60age old
Age maximum<= 75age old
Include criteria1) Patients diagnosed with invasive breast cancer by needle biopsy or tissue biopsy 2) Stage II patients with tumor diameter less than 3 cm 3) Patients with ER-negative, PgR-negative, HER2-negative breast cancer 4) Patients who can undergo mammography MRI 5) Patients who have not received prior breast cancer chemotherapy 6) Patients who are between 60 and 75 years of age at the time consent is obtained 7) Patients who have given written consent to participate in the study
Exclude criteria1) Patients with multiple lesions 2) Patients with metastatic or recurrent breast cancer 3) Pregnant women and those who may be pregnant or nursing 4) Patients with contraindications to pembrolizumab treatment 5) Patients deemed inappropriate for inclusion in the study by the investigator

Related Information


Public contact
Name Sayaka Kuba
Address 1-7-1, Sakamoto-machi, Nagasak icity, Nagasaki prefecture Nagasaki Japan 852-8501
Telephone +81-95-819-7316
Affiliation Nagasaki University Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Sayaka Kuba
Address 1-7-1, Sakamoto-machi, Nagasak icity, Nagasaki prefecture Nagasaki Japan 852-8501
Telephone +81-95-819-7316
Affiliation Nagasaki University Hospital