NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1061230083

Registered date:22/12/2023

Significance of highly fermentable dietary fiber in enteral nutrition patients

Basic Information

Recruitment status Pending
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedenteral feeding patient
Date of first enrollment22/12/2023
Target sample size40
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Patients who had been receiving low-fiber enteral nutrition for 8 weeks or more were randomly assigned to a high-fermentable dietary fiber granule (PHGG 2g/100kcal) administration group or a control group, and 8 weeks before and after administration of high-fermentable dietary fiber. Evaluate when the time has elapsed.


Primary OutcomeBowel movements: frequency of defecation, stool quality (Bristol scale), number of enema treatments, amount of laxatives used Intestinal microbiota: short chain fatty acids [SCFA], alpha diversity evaluation
Secondary Outcome(General findings, etc.) Age, gender, height, weight, BMI (Inspection item) Nutritional indicators: TP, ALB, T-cho, HDL-c, LDL-c, TG, BUN, Cre (e-GFR), UA, Inflammatory response: hsCRP Heart failure: NT-proBNP, trimethylamine-N-oxide [TMAO] Immune ability: TNFA, IL-6

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 60age old
Age maximum< 90age old
Include criteria1) In principle, over 65 years old and under 90 years old. Because we wanted to evaluate the effect on elderly people, we selected patients aged 65 and older. Also, the reason why it was chosen to be under 90 years old This was because it was determined that people over 90 years of age are not eligible for research because it has been shown that there are many metabolites that are associated with the risk of age-related diseases and weaken the intestinal barrier function. However, if there are not enough research participants, those who wish to participate will be eligible to participate in the research if they are 60 years of age or older. 2) Gender doesn't matter. 3) Patients who are administering enteral nutritional products into the stomach through the nasal passage or gastrostomy. 4) Patients who are hospitalized during the study period. 5) Free consent from the person who has the capacity to consent, or from a representative consenter when the person lacks the capacity to consent. Patients who can provide written informed consent.
Exclude criteria1) Patients who do not have permission from their attending physician. 2) Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to dietary fiber. 3) Patients with milk protein allergy. 4) Patients with no residual gastric or intestinal function. 5) Patients with ileus. 6) Patients with severe liver/kidney disorder. (e.g. acute and chronic renal failure, liver cirrhosis, etc.) 7) Patients with glucose metabolism abnormalities such as severe diabetes. 8) Patients with congenital amino acid metabolism abnormalities. 9) Patients with a history of esophagus or stomach resection (minimally invasive surgery such as endoscopic submucosal dissection is excluded) Ku). 10) Patients who have had a history of intestinal resection within one year before consent was obtained (excluding minor cases such as removal of polyps or appendix). 11) Patients who have difficulty collecting the amount of blood necessary for testing. 12) Patients who had a fever of 37.5temperature or higher within 3 days of the start of the study.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Nobuka Tanabe
Address 2-1-1 Bunkyodai, Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture Yamaguchi Japan 755-0805
Telephone +81-836-38-0530
Affiliation Department of Food and Nutrition
Scientific contact
Name Takeshi Yamamoto
Address 1-1-1 Minamikogushi, Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture Yamaguchi Japan 755-8505
Telephone +81-836-22-2834
Affiliation patpathology laboratoryhology laboratory