NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1052240007

Registered date:05/04/2024

Effectiveness of Nutrition Education Intervention for Promoting Heath Status of Adolescent Girls in Rural Nepal: A Randomized Controlled Trail

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedN/A
Date of first enrollment05/04/2024
Target sample size108
Countries of recruitmentNepal,Japan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)To determine the prevalence and predictors of underweight, overweight/obesity, and anemia among adolescent girls in rural Nepal, develop and implement a health education intervention package to prevent and evaluate its effectiveness.


Primary OutcomeBaseline study: Identification of factors associated with nutrition problems (anemia, overweight, obesity, underweight) in school-going adolescent girls. Intervention evaluation: Change in the hemoglobin level and blood profile markers in both intervention and control groups. Change anthropometric measures (height, weight and BMI) before and after intervention in both intervention and control groups.
Secondary OutcomeChange in the level of behavioral intention toward healthy eating measured by awareness, subjective norms, perceived behaviour control and self-identity in intervention and control group.

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 13age old
Age maximum< 15age 12month old
Include criteriaAll adolescent girls attending public schools in Annapurna, Kaski district, Nepal for one year will be included.
Exclude criteriaAdolescent girls on medication or diagnosed with a serious illness will be excluded.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Hiroko Sakai
Address 2-2-2, Shinmachi, Hirakata, Osaka Osaka Japan 573-1004
Telephone +81-72-804-0177
Affiliation Kansai Medical University
Scientific contact
Name Kazutomo Ohashi
Address 2-1-88, Ootemae, Tyuouku, Osaka Osaka Japan 540-0008
Telephone +81-6-6941-7036
Affiliation Otemae University