NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1051240185

Registered date:15/11/2024

Can Non-Alcoholic Beer Improve Sleep for Regular Drinkers?

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedinsomnia disorder
Date of first enrollment15/11/2024
Target sample size50
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)The questionnaire will be administered to outpatients (excluding patients for whom the principal investigator is the attending physician). The questionnaire items include the AUDIT and the Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire. Patients who meet specific scores on the AUDIT (8 to 19 points) and the Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire (6 points or more) will be considered patients with drinking habits and insomnia. Patients who meet all other questionnaire item criteria and who provide research consent will be considered study subjects. The study subjects will then be randomly assigned to two groups, an intervention group and a control group. The primary physicians of the study subjects will not be informed whether the subjects are assigned to the intervention or control group. The principal investigator will provide 24 bottles of non-alcoholic beer to the intervention group only and suggest that they drink one bottle/day every day from after dinner to before bed. The drinking period will last a total of 24 days, even if some days are missed. During the above 24-day period, participants in both groups will complete a daily sleep and drinking diary (a sleep chart for all days and a diary in which the time and amount of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages consumed can be entered). The intervention group will keep the above logbooks even on days when they do not consume non-alcoholic beverages; the morning following the end of the 24-day period (Day 25), participants in both groups will complete the Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire to complete the study. Participants in both groups will be asked to lead their normal lives except for keeping a sleep and drinking diary.


Primary OutcomePittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire scores
Secondary Outcomesleeping time regular prescription doses of benzodiazepine sleeping pills alcohol Consumption Volume

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum< 75age old
Include criteriaPatients who have been continuously attending the hospital as outpatients for more than 1 year Patients who are scheduled to continue regular outpatient visits during the intervention period Patients with a score of 6 or higher on the Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire Patients who have been taking benzodiazepines for more than 4 weeks Patients who have a habit of drinking alcohol from after dinner to before bed at least 4 times a week Patients who have received a full explanation of the study in writing Patients who have agreed to the research description document
Exclude criteriaPatients who consume non-alcoholic beverages more than twice a month Patients with a history of liver disease Patients who are pregnant or lactating at the time of intervention Patients with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence at the time of intervention or with a history of such diagnosis Patients with an AUDIT score of 20 or higher Patients with an AUDIT score of 7 or less Patients 19 years old or younger Patients over 75 years old Patients who cannot respond to the questionnaire Patients who are deemed inappropriate as research participants by outpatient attending physicians due to their medical conditions, etc

Related Information


Public contact
Name Sunao Shima
Address 665 Uezu,Uruma City,Okinawa prefecture,904-2222,Japan Okinawa Japan 904-2222
Telephone +81-98-973-2000
Affiliation Medical department
Scientific contact
Name Sunao Shima
Address 665 Uezu,Uruma City,Okinawa prefecture,904-2222,Japan Okinawa Japan 904-2222
Telephone +81-98-973-2000
Affiliation Medical department