NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1041200029

Registered date:09/07/2020

Combination therapy of PDT with Talporfin and nivolumab in patients with advanced oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma

Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedesophageal cancers
Date of first enrollment23/04/2021
Target sample size10
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is performed. Nivolumab (3 mg/kg) is started within 14 dyas after the PDT. Nivolumab is administrated intravenously every 2 weeks.


Primary OutcomeProgression-free survival; PFS
Secondary Outcome1) Overall survival; OS 2) best overall response; BOR 3) overall response rate; ORR 4) time to response; TTR 5) duration of response; DOR 6) disease control rate; DCR

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1) age > 20 years old 2) failure after chemoradiotherapy esophageal cancer 3) one week or longer from the last treatment for esophageal cancer 4) histologically proven esophageal cancer 5) at least 1 measurable or non-measurable lesion per the RECIST Guideline 6) no invasion to the cervical esophagus 7) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG-PS): 0-2 8) adequate organ functions (white blood cell counts >2000 /mm3, neutrophils >1000 /mm3, hemoglobin >8.0g/dL, platelet count >75000/ mm3, serum total bilirubin level <3.0 mg/dL, both alanine transferase and aspartate aminotransferase <100IU/L, Creatinine <2.0mg/dL) 9) provision of written informed consent
Exclude criteria1) significant diseases uncontrolled hypertension uncontrolled diabetes mellitus severe liver cirrhosis significant cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, unstable angina, congestive heart failure) severe renal disorder 2) a current or past history of interstitial lung disease or pulmonary fibrosis 3) systemic infection requiring antibiotics 4) inability to comply the sun shade restrictions 5) baseline lesions before CRT that were judged to involve the aorta 6) porphyria 7) preexisting condition of sun photosensitivity 8) for women, pregnancy or lactation 9) unwillingness to use contraception 10) severe bleeding or shock status 11) bleeding tendency 12) current participation or prior participation within 3 months in other clinical trials for unapproved and off-label drugs or medical devices 13) patients who judged by the investigator that enrollment was inappropriate

Related Information


Public contact
Address 1,Kawasumi,Mizuho-chou,Mizuho-ku,Nagoya,Aichi Aichi Japan 467-8602
Telephone +81-52-853-8211
Affiliation Nagoya City University Hospital
Scientific contact
Address 1,Kawasumi,Mizuho-chou,Mizuho-ku,Nagoya,Aichi Aichi Japan 467-8602
Telephone +81-52-853-8211
Affiliation Nagoya City University Hospital