NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1031230671

Registered date:29/02/2024

Retrospective cohort study to assess changes in recurrence frequency by Patient initiated therapy (PIT) for recurrent herpes simplex

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedRecurrent herpes simplex (recurrent labial and facial herpes, recurrent genital herpes)
Date of first enrollment29/02/2024
Target sample size50
Countries of recruitment
Study typeObservational


Primary OutcomeComparison of number of recurrences (times/year) during period 1 and the first year of period 2
Secondary OutcomeComparison of number of recurrences (time/year) during the first year and the second year of period 2(In Period 2, only pacients who have been observed for 2-year or longer)

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria(1) Men and women >= 18 years old at the time of registration*1 (2) Patients who have a history of outpatient visits to the research institution for treatment of recurrent herpes simplex (recurrent herpes on the lips and face, recurrent genital herpes) (3) Patients who have continued 5-day treatment with oral antiherpes virus drugs for one year or more for the treatment of recurrent herpes simplex (4) Patients whose treatment method was changed from 5-day treatment with oral antiherpes virus drugs to PIT treatment with famciclovir at the research institution (5) Patients who have continued Famciclovir PIT treatment at a research institution for one year or more (6) Patients who have consecutive treatment periods for (3) and (5) (7) Patients who can confirm the number of recurrences of recurrent herpes simplex in the past one year from the time of registration (8) Patients whose annual number of recurrences of recurrent herpes simplex during the period of PIT can be confirmed (9) Patients who did not indicate their refusal to opt-out *1 The date when famciclovir was first prescribed to the target patient for PIT
Exclude criteriaPaciants judged to be inappropriate by the principal investigator

Related Information


Public contact
Name Junichi Sugai
Address 6-7-7 Motoimaizumi, Utsunomiya city, Tochigi Tochigi Japan 321-0954
Telephone +81-28-662-2471
Affiliation Sugai Dermatology Park Side Clinic
Scientific contact
Name Junichi Sugai
Address 6-7-7 Motoimaizumi, Utsunomiya city, Tochigi Tochigi Japan 321-0954
Telephone +81-28-662-2471
Affiliation Sugai Dermatology Park Side Clinic