NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1030240662

Registered date:05/02/2025

Research on Headache Diagnosis Performance by Headache Diagnosis Program

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedPrimary headache or suspected primary headache
Date of first enrollment09/12/2024
Target sample size
Countries of recruitment
Study typeObservational


Primary Outcomenot applicable
Secondary Outcome

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1) Men and women 18 years of age or older 2)Patients are able to obtain written consent for participation in this study of their own free will using the explanation and consent documents approved by the ethics review committee of each research institution. 3) Patients who come to the hospital for the first time with headache as the main complaint (including referrals from other hospitals). 4) Patient has been diagnosed with primary headache or suspected primary headache (one of the following) by a headache specialist at the initial visit. Migraine or substance abuse headache (MOH) (ICHD-3 code 1 or 8.2) Tension-type headache (ICHD-3 code 2) Trigeminal or autonomic headache (ICHD-3 code 3) Other primary headache (ICHD-3 code 4) Other than primary headache (ICHD-3 code other than above) 5) All the information in the medical questionnaire and the medical record are all tied to each other and there are no missing observation items.
Exclude criteria1) Is currently participating in an interventional study (including clinical trials) other than this study. 2) The patient has a diagnosis of urgent secondary headache. 3) The patient has unclear or other unreadable entries in the records, including neurological findings, in the medical questionnaire or medical record. 4) Other information deemed inappropriate by the principal investigator as the subject of the information.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Yumi Kawata
Address Tokyo,Bunkyo-ku,kouraku2-3-12,sumitomofudousann.iidabashi-buillding F3.Room1 Tokyo Japan 112-004
Telephone +81-90-7554-8471
Affiliation Clinical Development
Scientific contact
Name Yumi Kawata
Address Tokyo,Bunkyo-ku,kouraku2-3-12,sumitomofudousann.iidabashi-buillding F3.Room1 Tokyo Japan 112-0004
Telephone +81-90-7554-8471
Affiliation hedgehog