NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1030240309

Registered date:31/08/2024

fficacy evaluation test of FS-AI688

Basic Information

Recruitment status Pending
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedLung Cancer
Date of first enrollment31/08/2024
Target sample size390
Countries of recruitment
Study typeObservational


Primary OutcomeFOM (Figure of merit)
Secondary OutcomeReading test 1.The detectability (sensitivity, average number of false positives, and positive predictive value)of the nodule unit is calculated. 2.Subgroup analysis of the detectability (sensitivity, mean number of false positives, and positive predictive value)of the nodule unit according to the following factors. Additionally, FOM will be calculated for the interpreter group. Nodule type Nodule location Relationship to the surrounding structure of the nodule Maximum diameter of the nodule Slice thickness Contrast/non-contrast Imaging research institute Imaging equipment Group of interpreters (specialists/late residents). 3.The detectability (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value) of each case is calculated. 4.Subgroup analysis of the detectability (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value) of the case unit is performed according to the following factors: Slice thickness Contrast/non-contrast Imaging research institute Imaging equipment Reading physicians 5.To evaluate the effect of false positives in the nodal units Single performance test 1.The detectability (sensitivity, average number of false positives, and positive predictive value) of the nodule unit is calculated. 2.Subgroup analysis of the detectability (sensitivity, mean number of false positives, and positive predi ctive value)of the nodule unit according to the following factors. Nodule type Nodule location Relationship to the surrounding structure of the nodule Maximum diameter of the nodule Slice thickness Contrast/non-contrast Imaging research institute Imaging equipment Lung field condition/mediastinum condition 3.The detectability (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value) of e ach case is calculated. 4.Subgroup analysis of the detectability (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative p redictive value) of the case unit is performed accor ding to the following factors: Slice thickness Contrast/non-contrast Imaging research institute Imaging equipment Lung field condition/mediastinum condition common to each study 1.To evaluate the concordance rate of GS. For GS agreement, the following is calculated: Case adoption rate, mean number of false positives, and false negative rate of every GS author for GS Percentage of GS by Combination of GS Creators Positive agreement of GS author Summarized statistic of Bounding Box by combination of GS and individual GS producers Summarized statistic of differences in Bounding Box and relative differences by combination between GS and individual GS producers Summarized statistic of Dice factors for Bounding Box between GS and individual GS producers

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 18age old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria1.Patients who had a chest CT scan conducted bet ween January 1, 2020 and March 31, 2024 at Nipp on Medical School Hospital or Amakusa Regional Medical Center, Amakusa County Medical Associat ion. 2.Patients who have undergone chest CT imaging who meet the following imaging conditions CT image size:512 x 512 Slice thickness:5 mm or less Slice interval:5 mm or less (gapless) Imaging conditions:Image quality is suitable for inte rpretation. This is a chest image that allows you to see the entire lung field. Reconstruction conditions: There are images for bo th lung field and mediastinal conditions (the contra st conditions match, and the slice thickness and int erval are the same).
Exclude criteria1. Minor patients (under 18 years old) 2.Patients who have indicated their intention to refu se to participate in the study by the research subje ct or their legal representative 3.Other patients who are judged to be inappropriat e for participation in this study by the principal inve stigator or co-investigator.

Related Information


Public contact
Name Tadashi Machida
Address 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-Ku Tokyo Japan 113-8603
Telephone +81-3-3822-2131
Affiliation Nippon Medical School Hospital
Scientific contact
Name Tadashi Machida
Address 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-Ku Tokyo Japan 113-8603
Telephone +81-3-3822-2131
Affiliation Nippon Medical School Hospital