NIPH Clinical Trials Search

JRCT ID: jRCT1030220017

Registered date:12/04/2022

Development of a Disaster Health Activity Reflection Support Program Using Posttraumatic Growth Indicators for Public Health Nurses in Disaster Areas

Basic Information

Recruitment status Recruiting
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedposttraumatic growth
Date of first enrollment12/04/2022
Target sample size10
Countries of recruitment
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)A reflection support program using the Post Traumatic Growth Index for municipal public health nurses who have experienced natural disasters will be implemented for public health nurses who work in municipalities affected by natural disasters and have experience conducting disaster health activities. This program consists of 1. explanation of the program and 2. reflection using a reflection sheet reflecting the Post Traumatic Growth Indicators. Explanation of the program will provide an overview of the program and how to use the reflection sheet reflecting the post-traumatic growth indicators. In the reflection using the reflection sheet reflecting the post-traumatic growth indices, the target health worker will be given the reflection sheet and asked to use it by himself/herself for about one month. Reflection using the reflection sheet reflecting post-traumatic growth indicators in this program is a self-administered individual work aimed at improving self-care and professionalism by the public health nurses themselves as professionals. In the evaluation, a questionnaire survey will be conducted as a pre-survey before the program is implemented. After the program is implemented, a questionnaire survey and interviews will be conducted as a post-program survey.


Primary OutcomeScores on the Japanese version of the Posttraumatic Growth Scale (PTGI-J) Content of Meaningfulness to Experiences Based on the Concept of Posttraumatic Growth of Health Professionals through Interviews
Secondary OutcomeThe clarity, ease of use, and layout of the Post Traumatic Growth Index and Reflection Sheet wording. Program setup and ease of approach Program impressions, additions and modifications Whether or not the reflection was based on the support model

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum>= 20age old
Age maximum<= 60age old
Include criteriaMunicipal public health nurses at career level A2-A3 of the standard career ladder for municipal public health nurses with experience in implementing disaster health activities in municipalities in the disaster area
Exclude criteriaPersons under psychiatric treatment

Related Information


Public contact
Name Saori Iguchi
Address 1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba city, Chiba 260-8672, Japan Chiba Japan 260-8672
Telephone +81-9016963977
Affiliation Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University, Japan
Scientific contact
Name Saori Iguchi
Address 1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba city, Chiba 260-8672, Japan Chiba Japan 260-8672
Telephone +81-9016963977
Affiliation Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University, Japan