JRCT ID: jRCT1011240022
Registered date:05/07/2024
An exploratory iNvestigation of rEal-World pharmacokinetics and TherApeutic drug monitoring-Guided personalized dosing of novel molEcular Targeted drugs
Basic Information
Recruitment status | Recruiting |
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studied | Neoplasms (Lung Cancer etc.), Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Autoimmune Diseases |
Date of first enrollment | 05/07/2024 |
Target sample size | 50 |
Countries of recruitment | |
Study type | Observational |
Intervention(s) |
Primary Outcome | The variability of pharmacokinetics |
Secondary Outcome | -Pharmacokinetic linearity across doses administered -The incidence of adverse events -Response to treatment (clinical response and clinical remission) -Treatment persistence rate -Exposure-safety relationship -Exposure-efficacy relationship |
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Age minimum | Not applicable |
Age maximum | Not applicable |
Gender | Both |
Include criteria | Subjects whose medical care and prognostic information can be obtained from medical records |
Exclude criteria | Subjects presenting with any of the following will be excluded from the study: 1. Subjects who requested non-participation in this study based on a published opt-out document. 2. Subjects who are participating in or interested in participating in other clinical trials during the study period. |
Related Information
Primary Sponsor | Masahide Fukudo |
Secondary Sponsor | |
Source(s) of Monetary Support | |
Secondary ID(s) |
Public contact | |
Name | Fukudo Masahide |
Address | South-1, West-16, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido Hokkaido Japan 060-8543 |
Telephone | +81-11-688-9686 |
fukudom@sapmed.ac.jp | |
Affiliation | Sapporo Medical University Hospital |
Scientific contact | |
Name | Fukudo Masahide |
Address | South-1, West-16, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido Hokkaido Japan 060-8543 |
Telephone | +81-11-688-9686 |
fukudom@sapmed.ac.jp | |
Affiliation | Sapporo Medical University Hospital |