NIPH Clinical Trials Search

UMIN ID: UMIN000057239

Registered date:08/03/2025

Verification of the change in the follow-up rate in the notice of recommendation to take a secondary health checkups for those with findings in the annual health checkups

Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete: follow-up complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedNoncommunicable diseases
Date of first enrollment2024/04/01
Target sample size80
Countries of recruitmentJapan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Reference goup The initial and reminder notifications were based on the previously used ones by the company with some modifications. The initial notification instructed recipients to independently arrange an appointment and report their appointment status within three weeks. The reminder notification added that it was being sent to workers who had not reported by the deadline . The notifications in the reference group incorporated elements designed to encourage consultation by declaring a time and place (a commitment nudge; corresponding to Social Nudge). Nudge group The initial notification was developed based on prior research. In addition to the nudges included in the reference group's notification, this version explicitly specified the medical institution to be visited, enhancing easy application (Easy Nudge). In the reminder notification, final is displayed on the first line to prevent procrastination (Timely Nudge). Furthermore, it featured a four-frame comic strip to capture attention (Attractive Nudge) and provided an explanation of how reporting schedule status will encourage them, thereby making the existence of the Social Nudge explicit.


Primary OutcomePercentage of reporting appointment status and taking the follow-up examinations
Secondary Outcome

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum20years-old
Age maximum75years-old
GenderMale and Female
Include criteria
Exclude criteriaThe exclusion criteria were workers who engaged in industrial health and who did not agree with the study

Related Information


public contact
Name Kiyohito Kiyokawa
Address Aomori-ken Aomori-shi Koubata2-3-1 Japan 030-0943
Telephone 017-738-2001
Affiliation Aomori University Faculty of Sociology, IRB
scientific contact
Name Masaki Takebayashi
Address Aomori-ken Aomori-shi Koubata 2-3-1 Japan
Telephone 09036442115
Affiliation Aomori University Faculty of Sociology