NIPH Clinical Trials Search

UMIN ID: UMIN000056968

Registered date:07/02/2025

A Prospective Observational Study on the Establishment of a Novel Method for Assessing Steatotic Liver Disease Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Basic Information

Recruitment status Pending
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedSteatotic Liver Disease
Date of first enrollment2025/02/07
Target sample size12
Countries of recruitmentJapan
Study typeObservational


Primary OutcomeThe correlation between whole-liver MRI proton density fat fraction (PDFF) values and PDFF values based on region of interest (ROI) set for each liver segment.
Secondary Outcome

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum18years-old
Age maximumNot applicable
GenderMale and Female
Include criteria
Exclude criteria1. Individuals with a history or treatment history of liver diseases other than steatotic liver. 2. Individuals with an average daily pure ethanol intake of 30 g or more for men and 20 g or more for women. 3. Individuals who cannot undergo MRI due to the presence of metal implants in the body, claustrophobia, or other reasons. 4. Individuals who are unable to hold their breath for approximately 15 seconds. 5. Individuals with dementia or psychiatric disorders which make it difficult to understand the study. 6. Individuals deemed unsuitable by the principal investigator or the attending physician for other reasons.

Related Information


public contact
Name Takaaki Matsuda
Address 2-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Japan 305-8576
Telephone 0298533053
Affiliation University of Tsukuba Hospital Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism
scientific contact
Name Takaaki Matsuda
Address 2-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba Japan
Telephone 029-853-3053
Affiliation University of Tsukuba Hospital Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism