NIPH Clinical Trials Search

UMIN ID: UMIN000055985

Registered date:30/10/2024

Investigating the Educative Effectiveness of Immersive Virtual Reality with 3D Images on Invasive Procedures

Basic Information

Recruitment status Pending
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedAcute illness, Trauma
Date of first enrollment2025/01/01
Target sample size52
Countries of recruitmentJapan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Viewing a video of a tracheal intubation procedure in 3D and 2D on Apple Vision Pro, in that order. Viewing a video of a tracheal intubation procedure in 2D and 3D on Apple Vision Pro, in that order. Viewing a video of a tracheal intubation procedure in 3D and 2D on Meta Quest 3, in that order. Viewing a video of a tracheal intubation procedure in 2D and 3D on Meta Quest 3, in that order.


Primary OutcomeTest to assess knowledge of tracheal intubation techniques
Secondary Outcome

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum20years-old
Age maximumNot applicable
GenderMale and Female
Include criteria
Exclude criteriaHaving previous experience with 3D devices, or having significant visual or hearing impairments

Related Information


public contact
Name Yoshifumi Takatsume
Address 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan 1608582
Telephone 0333531211
Affiliation Keio University School of Medicine Anatomy
scientific contact
Name Yukio Sato
Address 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan
Telephone 0332251323
Affiliation Keio University School of Medicine Emergency and Critical Care Medicine