NIPH Clinical Trials Search

UMIN ID: UMIN000055861

Registered date:17/11/2024

The Relationship Between Social Isolation and Appetite: A Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Study on Neural Mechanisms

Basic Information

Recruitment status Pending
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedSocial Isolation
Date of first enrollment2024/12/31
Target sample size50
Countries of recruitmentJapan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Presentation of food and non-food images


Primary OutcomeMagnetoencephalography (MEG) data, social isolation-related indicators (Japanese version of the Lubben Social Network Scale short version (LSNS-6), Japanese version of the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Version 3): UCLA Loneliness Scale Version 3), and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Secondary OutcomeSurvey on daily appetite and eating behavior (Three Factor Eating Questionnaire: TFEQ), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), Japanese version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), Positive Affect Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Japanese version of the Salzburg Stress Eating Scale (SSES-J).

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum18years-old
Age maximum100years-old
GenderMale and Female
Include criteria
Exclude criteria1. Individuals with current or past neurological, visual, or psychiatric disorders, or other severe diseases 2. Individuals receiving medication for any condition 3. Individuals with contraindications for MRI 4. Smokers 5. Individuals with metal present in their body (especially in the head and neck region), which could cause metal-related noise interference in magnetoencephalography 6. Individuals in peri-menopause or post-menopause, based on self-reported last menstrual cycle 7. Individuals with a history of severe medical or neurological disorders, or those with a current or past history of psychiatric disorders 8. Individuals with comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes, or a history of weight-loss surgery or abdominal surgery 9. Individuals using medications that may affect the central nervous system, regularly taking painkillers, or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding 10. Individuals engaging in extreme vigorous exercise (continuous exercise for more than 8 hours per week)

Related Information


public contact
Name derong zeng
Address 1-4-3 Asahi-machi, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan. Japan 545-8585
Telephone 06-6645-3791
Affiliation Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine
scientific contact
Name Derong Zeng
Address 1-4-3 Asahi-machi, Abeno-ku, Osaka, Japan. Japan
Telephone 06-6645-3791
Affiliation Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine