NIPH Clinical Trials Search

UMIN ID: UMIN000051805

Registered date:04/08/2023

Yoga and Cognitive Behavior Therapy Based Program to Promote Transition in Gynecologic Cancer Survivors - a Feasibility Study

Basic Information

Recruitment status Complete: follow-up complete
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedGynecological cancer (Uterine cancer, Cervical cancer, Uterine sarcoma, Ovarian cancer, Choriocarcinoma)
Date of first enrollment2023/08/04
Target sample size24
Countries of recruitmentJapan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)120-minute programs (50 minutes of yoga and 70 minutes of cognitive behavioral therapy), once a week for 8 weeks. Live life as usual.


Primary OutcomeProgram participation rates
Secondary Outcome1. Simplified menopausal index 2. Cancer Concerns Checklist 3. Sense of Coherence-13 4. General Health Questionnaire-12 5. Salivary Cortisol 6. Heart rate, HF/LF 7. Blood pressure 8. Program acceptability 9. Adverse events

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum20years-old
Age maximumNot applicable
Include criteria
Exclude criteria1. Do not understand written or spoken Japanese 2. Diagnosis of mental disorder or cognitive impairment 3. Received yoga therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy 4. Plans to participate in other intervention study with gynecological cancer survivors in the near future

Related Information


public contact
Name Chieko Ishiguro
Address 12-33 Nanamagari, Hakusan-cho, Toyota, Aichi, Japan Japan 471-8565
Telephone 0565-36-5111
Affiliation Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing
scientific contact
Name Chieko Ishiguro
Address 12-33 Nanamagari, Hakusan-cho, Toyota, Aichi, Japan Japan
Telephone 0565-36-5111
Affiliation Japanese Red Cross Toyota College of Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing