NIPH Clinical Trials Search

UMIN ID: UMIN000051692

Registered date:19/06/2024

The effect of practicing rhythmic movements with music on motor and academic functions of children with developmental coordination disorders

Basic Information

Recruitment status Pending
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedin progress
Date of first enrollment2023/09/30
Target sample size30
Countries of recruitmentAsia(except Japan)
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)eight weeks of rhythmic movements with music


Primary OutcomeIt is expected that in the experimental group, these rhythmic movements with music should affect on the academic and motor performances of children with developmental coordination disorder was significant, but no change should be observed in the control group
Secondary Outcome

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum7years-old
Age maximum10years-old
Include criteria
Exclude criteriauntrainable lack of balance

Related Information


public contact
Name Leila Zameni
Address 7th kilometer of Darya road, Azad university of Sari, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran Japan 4816119318
Telephone 00989116903496
Affiliation Azad University of Sari Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
scientific contact
Name Fereshteh Noorian Asrami
Address 7th kilometer of Darya road, Azad university of Sari, Sari, Mazandaran, Iran Japan
Telephone 00989116903496
Affiliation Azad University of Sari Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences