NIPH Clinical Trials Search

UMIN ID: UMIN000049875

Registered date:22/12/2022

Relationship between lifestyle and body mass index in young women: monitoring study

Basic Information

Recruitment status Pending
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedYoung women (BMI; underweight, standard)
Date of first enrollment2022/12/23
Target sample size30
Countries of recruitmentJapan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Standard body type: Monitoring measurements during 4 menstrual cycles (daily: heart rate, activity, weight, basal body temperature, and daily life record; follicular and luteal phases: body composition, dietary record; luteal phase only: blood sampling, sleep and menstrual questionnaire; 4 times: urine collection) One measurement during each of the four cycles (75 g oral glucose tolerance test, estimation of energy expenditure by double-labeled water method, physical fitness test, DXA measurement) Once in each of the 4 cycles: follicular phase and luteal phase (sleep rhythm, simple electroencephalograph, continuous blood glucose measurement, continuous body temperature measurement) Underweight body type: Monitoring measurements during 4 menstrual cycles (daily: heart rate, activity, weight, basal body temperature, and daily life record; follicular and luteal phases: body composition, dietary record; luteal phase only: blood sampling, sleep and menstrual questionnaire; 4 times: urine collection) One measurement during each of the four cycles (75 g oral glucose tolerance test, estimation of energy expenditure by double-labeled water method, physical fitness test, DXA measurement) Once in each of the 4 cycles: follicular phase and luteal phase (sleep rhythm, simple electroencephalograph, continuous blood glucose measurement, continuous body temperature measurement)


Primary OutcomeHeart rate variability associated with the menstrual cycle (including assessment of autonomic nervous system activity)
Secondary OutcomeUrinary metabolites associated with the menstrual cycle (urine metabolome analysis), assessment of energy intake and nutrients (nutrient value calculation), sleep quality (simple EEG measurement and subjective questionnaire)

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum18years-old
Age maximum25years-old
Include criteria
Exclude criteriaPeople who cannot comply with the conditions, people who have been diagnosed with or are currently undergoing treatment for an eating disorder, people who have been (or are) taking/using hormone preparations (e.g., pills) for the past six months, people with irregular menstruation (amenorrhea is OK), people who exercise more than five days a week, people diagnosed with lifestyle-related diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.), pregnant or nursing mothers, smokers

Related Information


public contact
Name Hitomi Ogata
Address 1-7-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan Japan 739-8521
Telephone 0824246589
Affiliation Hiroshima University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
scientific contact
Name Hitomi Ogata
Address 1-7-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan Japan
Telephone 0824246589
Affiliation Hiroshima University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences