NIPH Clinical Trials Search

UMIN ID: UMIN000023868

Registered date:01/09/2016

Study on health effects of syrup

Basic Information

Recruitment status Completed
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studiedHealthy volunteers
Date of first enrollment2016/09/20
Target sample size20
Countries of recruitmentJapan
Study typeInterventional
Intervention(s)Test food (1 pack(15mL)/day) for 14 days > 14-day washout period > control food (1 pack(15mL)/day) for 14 days for 14 days Control food (1 pack(15mL)/day) for 14 days > 14-day washout period > test food(1 pack(15mL)/day) for 14 days for 14 days


Primary OutcomeLiver function (ALT,AST,gammaGT,ALP,LD,T-Bil)
Secondary Outcome・Blood RNA analysis ・Fecal (intestinal) mocroflora analysis

Key inclusion & exclusion criteria

Age minimum20years-old
Age maximum70years-old
GenderMale and Female
Include criteria1.Body mass index (BMI): from 23 to less than 30. 2.ALT: 26U/L or more in men, 18U/L or more in women. 3.Volunteers being able to make self-judgent to particupate in this study and giving written informed consent. 4.Volunteers having screening test results judged to be appropriate for this study by investigator.
Exclude criteria1.Patients with dyslipidemia or with diabetes under medical treatment or on the use of medicine. 2.Volunteers having severe history of the diseases (liver, kidney, hert, blood) judged to be inappropriate for this study. 3.Patients with liver diseases of alcoholic steatohepatitis, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, autoimmune hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver cancer, etc. other than non-alcoholic fatty disease. 4.Volunteers received gastrectomy, enterectomy, or gastro-intestinal diseases, judged to be inappropriate for this study. 5.Volunteers with a risk of causing drug or food (especially maple syrup) allergic symptoms. 6.Volunteers with a risk of causing drug or food (especially maple syrup) allergic symptoms. 7.Women who are pregnant, might be pregnant, or are lactating. 8.Volunteers who participate in other clinical trials within the last one month prior to the current clinical trial. 9.Volunteers with any other medical reasons judged to be inappropriate by chief investigater. 10.Volunteers who habitually consume maple syrup.

Related Information


public contact
Name Niigata Bio-Research Park, Inc
Address 316-2 Higashijima, Akiha-ku, Niigata, 956-0811, Japan Japan
Telephone 0250-25-1196
Affiliation Niigata Bio-Research Park, Inc Business promotion division
scientific contact
Name Kenichi Watanabe
Address 265-1, Higashijima, Akiha-ku, Niigata City Japan
Telephone 0250-25-5267
Affiliation Niigata Universty of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences Laboratory of Clinical pharmacology