UMIN ID: UMIN000000852
Registered date:30/06/2008
Clinical study of alpha-GalactosylCeramide-pulsed dendritic cells and natural killer T (NKT) cells in patients with operable recurrent head and neck cancer
Basic Information
Recruitment status | Complete: follow-up complete |
Health condition(s) or Problem(s) studied | Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma |
Date of first enrollment | 2007/11/01 |
Target sample size | 13 |
Countries of recruitment | Japan |
Study type | Interventional |
Intervention(s) | Sub-mucosal injections of alpha-GalactosylCeramide pulsed DCs are performed on day 7, and activated NKT cells is infused intra-arterially on day 14 after the entry. |
Primary Outcome | Clinical responses |
Secondary Outcome | Histopathological decisions of clinical responses, NKT cell specific immunological responses in the tissue and peripheral blood, Frequency of adverse events, Disease free survivals |
Key inclusion & exclusion criteria
Age minimum | 20years-old |
Age maximum | 80years-old |
Gender | Male and Female |
Include criteria | |
Exclude criteria | Patients who have: been treated with previous therapy of at least 4 weeks; uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, pulmonary fibrosis, and/or infection; a history of hepatitis; a positive response for hepatitis B surface antigen, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus, or human T-lymphotrophic virus antibodies; serious cardiac disease; recieived concurrent corticosteroid therapy; pregnancy or lactation; autoimmune diseases; been judged to be inappropriate to participate in this study by principle investigator or co-investigator |
Related Information
Primary Sponsor | Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University |
Secondary Sponsor | |
Source(s) of Monetary Support | The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
Secondary ID(s) |
public contact | |
Name | Shigetoshi Horiguchi |
Address | 1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba, Japan Japan |
Telephone | 043-226-2137 |
Affiliation | Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery |
scientific contact | |
Name | Yoshitaka Okamoto |
Address | 1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba, Japan Japan |
Telephone | 043-226-2137 |
Affiliation | Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery |