Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 200
- Japan Shunt Registry of Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
- Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
- Study Group for normal pressure hydrocephalus granted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan
- 2009-09-01
- COmbination Strategy on renal function of the benidipine or diuretics treatMent with RAS inhibitOrs in CKD hypertensive population
- Hypertensive patients with albuminuria under the treatment of the inhibitor of the renin-angiotension system (RAS)
- COSMO-CKD Study Group
- 2009-07-01
- Study of Assessment for Kidney function by Urinary microalbumin in RAndomized Trial
- Hypertension with diabetic nephropathy
- The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
- 2008-07-14
- A randomized, comparative study of the effectiveness of sartans on the morning hypertension and metabolic abnormality in the Japanese obese patients by the central registration system.[FUJIYAMA-Study]
- Hypertension
- Central Committee of FUJIYAMA Study
- 2006-02-08
- Candesartan Antihypertensive Survival Evaluation in Japan (CASE-J) Trial of Cardiovascular Events in High-Risk Hypertensive Patients
- Hypertension
- EBM Collaborating Research Center in Kyoto University
- 2005-10-30
- Assessment of clinical usefulness in CKD patients with atorvastatin trial (ASUCA Trial)
- Hyperlipidemia with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
- 2009-03-17
- LIVES Study Extention
- hypercholesterolemia
- LIVES Study Extension advisory committee
- 2007-09-18
- Substudy of lipid lowering trial on prevention of atherosclerosis in 75 or older on cholesterol absorption and synthesis
- Hyper-LDL-cholesterolemia
- International University of Health and Welfare
- 2009-08-10
- ADR-04
- Highly chronic lower extremity deficiency blood included
- furukawa kojiro
- 2022-04-23
- A Study to Assess Disease Activity and Safety of Subcutaneous Lutikizumab (ABT-981) in Adult Participants with Moderate to Severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa Who Have Failed Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Therapy
- hidradenitis suppurativa
- Otani Tetsuya
- 2022-05-28