Clinical TrialsSearch results
Number of results: 398
- Study of imatinib monotherapy and combination of imatinib with IFN or cytarabine ocfosfate for chronic-phase CML (JALSG CML202 Study)
- Previously untreated chronic-phase chronic myelogenous leukemia
- Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group
- 2005-09-10
- Phase III Randomized Study of Imatinib therapy in chornic phase chronic myeloid leukemia comparing standard dose-escalation with progressive dose-escalation (JALSG CML207study)
- Previously untreated Chronic-phase chronic myelogenous leukemia
- Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group
- 2007-09-15
- Phase II Study of Amrubicin and Nitroglycerin in Third-Line Chemotherapy in Previously Treated Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer
- Previously treated non-small-cell lung cancer
- Division of Clinical Trial Design and Management, Translational Clinical Center, Kyoto University Hospital
- 2007-09-12
- Randomized phase III trial of erlotinib versus docetaxel for patients with previously treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer
- Previously treated non-small cell lung cancer
- National Hospital Organization Headquarters Center for Support and Education of Clinical Research
- 2009-08-11
- Phase III study of gefitinib versus erlotinib in patients with previously treated lung adeno carcinoma
- Previously treated lung adeno carcinoma
- West Japan Oncology Group
- 2009-06-19
- Phase II study of ABVd therapy for the previously untreated patients with stage II to IV Hodgkin' s disease (JCOG 9305, LSG14)
- previouly untreated advanced stage Hodgkin lymphoma (stage II, III, IVy)
- Japan Clinical Oncology Group(JCOG)
- 2005-08-30
- Phase II study of ABV with increased dose of adriamycin (ADM) and deleted DTIC followed by adjuvant involved-field radiotherapy (ABV/IFRT) to residual or initial bulky tumor for the previously untreated patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease (stage IB, IIB, III, IV or bulky). (JCOG9705)
- previouly untreated advanced stage Hodgkin lymphoma (stage IB, IIB, III, IV, or bulky)
- Japan Clinical Oncology Group(JCOG)
- 2005-08-18
- Effect of nutritional intervention to prevention and treatment of pressure ulcer
- Pressure ulcer
- Pressure Ulcer & WHR Center(Kojin-kai)
- 2009-06-13
- Investigation of the clinical effects of combination therapy using LH-RH analogue + Anastrozole on patients with hormone receptor positive, premenopausal advanced/recurrent breast cancer resistant to combination therapy using LH-RH analogue + Tamoxifen
- Premenopausal breast cancer
- The Japan-Multinational Trial Organization
- 2008-06-29
- Randomized Phase III Study of Adjuvant Endocrine-Therapy with or without Chemotherapy for Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients who Responded to Neoadjuvant Letrozole
- postmenopausal primary breast cancer
- NEOS executive committee
- 2008-03-20